Dam Hard

Another one down. Feels good to get it off my chest.
If that is the hardest, wow, you've been fortunate or sheltered.😉.
In any case, good luck with your next endeavor. Every now and again you gotta stick your neck out.

I would agree I have been fortunate. Maybe I have been over thinking this but it was a tough thing for me to do.
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You won't regret it. Either more money or being happy is always a good move.

I live in a highly conservative area. The whole, "low wages are a good thing, don't like it find a different job!" Mentallity. So I did. Each time I got pulled in the office and offered more money. One in particular offered me $3 an hour more. I had just had my yearly review a month prior and begged for a raise. I got 15 cents. I was losing my apartment because i couldn't afford rent. I said, "Why couldn't you offer me that a month ago?!" I new at that moment leaving was the right choice. No matter what my happiness was more important to me and profit margins more important to them. I immediately clocked out and symbolically skipped to my truck in front of everyone else.

Go be happy.
I went through the same thing last July. I had been there 8 years. I chickened out on Friday but ended up letting my boss know Monday morning
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