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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
I was asked to write something about my Daddy for the Visitation tonight. This is what came out. John

81 years is a long time in history, but a short time in a man's life. We stay so busy with the day to day things that make up a life, that all too soon it is done.
Nolan Ray Harrell was born on October 22, 1931, 81 years ago to Nolan Harrell and Jessie Latham my grandparents when they lived in West Monroe, Louisiana. He often told me tales of living in Yazoo City, MS with his 5 Brothers and Sisters. There was Betty, Bob, Allene along with John and Shirley (Known as Sis). He would tell Cynthia and I stories of swimming the Creeks around Yazoo City and all the great times he shared with his siblings, along with his buddy Jim Alderman.
After Daddy's Father passed away he enlisted in the Air Force. While serving in Wichita Falls, Texas he met Martha Hastings and they were married. After he left the service they settled in Ft. Worth, Texas and started a Family. First there was Cynthia Ann and then came me.....many, many years later! Daddy worked for Mid-Continent Supply first then with Cummings. On his time off I remember Daddy trying his best to take us fishing around Ft. Worth, but it was difficult to find access to places. But Daddy always found a place. One memory that stays with me is a Creek with a Bridge over it where we fished. Daddy caught a Bass with his Zebco 33, put it on a stringer and handed it to Cynthia for her to hold.......I still remember watching that Bass swim off down stream with that stringer still in it's mouth! Daddy just staring after his fish!
Each Thanksgiving or Christmas would find us back in West Monroe with his Family Deer Hunting. How many times have I heard him say “It's about time to go sit on the pipeline!” You cannot think of our Daddy and not think of Humor, tricks and Jokes. I can't tell you how excited I would be when I would here him say “Gotta go see a man about a Black Palomino”, I always thought we were getting a horse! And Fire Crackers...the man loved the fireworks, one Christmas Cousin David and I were buried under a foot of quilts in a Portable Tin Building when Daddy lit a string of Firecrackers and threw them on the Roof! We were up! Another time and I just have to tell this on my Daddy, he had a lawn chair next to the Driveway and a Gross or 144 of what we called Penny Bottle Rockets. He would put one in a bottle and Flittttzzz away it would go with a Bang at the end. He would just Giggle with a smile while his shoulders danced around his head. Well there was a Lady down the street who would come out and yell at Daddy and shake her finger at him. Well, Daddy put a Bottle Rocket in the Bottle, then with his foot tilted the bottle towards that lady......Flitttzzz Bang! Right over her head! I don't know whether Daddy or I were first in the was close!
There is a picture of Momma and Daddy on their wedding day, June 21, 1953. Daddy is looking at Momma. In the picture you can see the love in Daddy's eyes for her. A love that no matter what life gave them (and life was very hard at times) would last 59 years. Even when Daddy was in the hospital and words were seldom and precious he was asking about her. He wanted Cynthia to go check on her. Everyone should know that strong of a love and devotion. They were blessed with Six Grandchildren. Cynthia and Hurmon gave them Sandy and Matthew. Charlotte and I gave them Stephanie, Shelly, Tisha and Travis along with many Great Grand kids. And he was loved by all of them.
Daddy has gone to see Uncle John, his Momma and Dad. But just like a song on the Country and Western shows we watched on Saturdays “In the Sweet By and By, We shall meet on that Beautiful Shore!” If you have a week or so that is how long it would take for Cynthia and I to tell you about this man we are honoring today. Our Daddy is missed, but he will never be gone.
We Love you Daddy! Momma, Cynthia and Johnny
Well worded thoughts John.. a good family man. Treasured memories for sure.
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Great write up Stud. Sounds like your parents were the example of what marriage should be.

Sorry for your loss, I bet the stories and memories will make it easier in time.
That is really beautiful, one of the hardest things to do. I am very sorry for your loss DraftStud.
Well done sir. My deepest condolences for your loss. It sounds like he was one heck of a character!
I know your tribute is just the tip of the iceberg of wonderful memories you have of your dad ---- nicely done. I lost my dad almost 2 years ago; still miss picking up the phone and hearing his voice. There will be times when you get that wistful lump in your throat and others that just bring a wry smile. My heart is with you! You were blessed to have the father you did, no doubt ...
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