Dad at 43!!!!!


Feb 17, 2012
Well its true confirmed by the doc now what do I do? My wife is pregnant the doc told us years ago she could have no kids well he lied. I have one daughter who is 23 and now about to have another still haven't let it sink in one good thing I guess my walker could double as a jungle gym. Do any of yall have kids this late in life? I had it all planned out to retire at 55 and just hunt and fish well that's change now.My wife wants to move next to her parents I don't so now the mind is goin 100mmph an hour on how to keep my home in mt and one in pa by the way I hate pa to many people. Well at least I get to go into the Bob Marshall in a couple weeks for our yearly backcountry elk hunt maybe I will figure it out in gods country!!!!
I'm 57, and my son is 12.
You have had 23 years to ponder your mistakes, Do it better this time. But do not, under any circumstance, show any favoritism.
I have both a cousin and a close friend who experienced almost your exact scenario, they panicked at first, but now seem very very happy. My youngest brother and my oldest niece were in the same grade in school, my parents said when they started they were the youngest parents at school events and when they finished they were the oldest. It's all good.
Congratulations! Your life is going to change and it's going to come at you at 100 MPH. It truly is a blessing. We had twins two years ago when I was 46. I did miss the last 2 years of hunting but back at this year. Get use to people calling you Grandpa! The Lord works in great ways.
First off....congratulations on the news...I know this is not what you had planned but things happen for strange reasons.Therer is nothing you can figure out, you just have to come to terms with your gonna be a new dad. I will say a prayer that your wife has a healthy pregnancy and everything goes well. As for what you do...start by being supportive for your 100 mph your going think what she is, and she has to carry that baby. I am 46 and have a 24 yr old a 8 and 7 yr old. I gave up a lot in the early years and things are starting to loosen up a lot. Hang in there and remember its not a bad thing its a blessing.....:cool:
That's fantastic!!!! You're never too old to love children. My wife and I wanted a house full but only had two before the doctors said "No more", and our daughter tried and tried, failed two attempts at in vitro and five years later gave us a tremendous gift of another grandson just as she turned 41. Hope all are healthy and all goes well. Try to prevent your wife from becoming a "helicopter mom" and raise it well. Such a gift!
Congratulations Steamfitter!
God's plans are not always the same as our plans. After a little time, the whirlwind of emotions will settle and you'll be able to see things more clearly.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not
unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
That's about the right age. We all usually have our kids when we are going pay day to pay day. We had Travis late in life and have really enjoyed the things he has done with us and we also were more a part of his life. Congrats! John
Thanks it definitely is a shock I keep telling my wife I will have me a little elk dragger when I cant do it no more she says yeah good luck with that. My daughter of 23 doesn't like to go hunting but she will fish with me so my plan is to get this one started pretty early maybe she will turn out to be an elknut who knows but im sure it will be all good either way. Oh done had a shirt made up for her says dads little elk dragger my wife thought I was an idiot.
Thanks it definitely is a shock I keep telling my wife I will have me a little elk dragger when I cant do it no more she says yeah good luck with that. My daughter of 23 doesn't like to go hunting but she will fish with me so my plan is to get this one started pretty early maybe she will turn out to be an elknut who knows but im sure it will be all good either way. Oh done had a shirt made up for her says dads little elk dragger my wife thought I was an idiot.
I had a half a dozen of those shirts made years ago....I was called an idiot many times as Im sure you will...You already know what your having?They are never to young to go . I take my two youngest everywhere and they love oldest can care less.... well congrats again and keep us in the loop.....:cool:
Congrats Steam! I have a 25 yr old son, a 23 yr old daughter and an 8 yr old son with Autism! I'm 44 and don't plan on having any more.......but if I do........Awesome! I think I'm a better husband and dad(or less bad depending on who you ask) than I was as a 19 yr old. You and your wife will be the same way. Again........Congratulations! Every child is unique, incredible and worth it!
Kudos Steamfitter! You will find life has changed considerably, but for the better as I did. My boys are 16 years apart and I was 43 also when the second one showed up.
Been there. Mine are 37, 35, and 19. Plum wore out. Youngest Dad in school with the first two, and am mistaken for Grandpa with my third. Best Wishes.
Well it could have happened even later in life. How does your wife feel about it? If she is as bummed out over it as you are keep in mind there are lots of married couple who cannot have kids. My Wife was adopted and she got a great set of parents in the end. Her bio parents felt they were too old and just could not do it again. If your wife is OK with raising another child it sounds like your going to be just fine but you may want to get snipped! LOL
Congrats! I have 2 daughters, 16yr old from previous marriage and an 8yr old that my wife had from a previous marriage that I adopted. . .I wouldn't change a thing both are great girls who love their Daddy ( I spoil them both terribly) My wife just turned 30 and has been talking about having a baby. . .and I think she means with me! LOL. I'm 43 right now (till December) I think it would be great, but sometimes I feel like I'm too old. . . Oh well, if it happens it happens. I sure do like practicing!!! LOL.:D

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