cut my damn finger off

Sorry to hear that. I am missing the end of my left thumb. Kind of sucks, i wish it was a finger instead but I get by but it is ugly as hell
Sorry to hear that. After 38 years of working in machine shops I'm thankful to have all my fingers even though one of them doesn't have much feeling on the end.
My buddy George is a butcher at Pathmark. Years ago he severed his left thumb, while cutting a frozen turkey on the band saw. Saw caught the metal band that holds the legs together, and jerked his thumb into the blade. He is missing 3/4 of that thumb. I seen him a couple of months ago with his right hand all bandaged up. He cut his right thumb off doing the same thing, this time they could reattach it. I think he should find a new profession.
I think George just needs to start taking that metal band off before he starts.

Just tell the women that God shorted you some finger but made it up to you in other areas. ;)

Best of luck getting back at it full time in your biz. Three part timers to replace you--yeah, that sounds about right!

Maybe the gubment could use your model for getting more people back to work: The Fingers Flying Plan...

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