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Cruz on Public Lands

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Since we've had a couple threads on Trump's position on public lands, much of which pivoted on his recent promise that he would protect public lands, I thought we should provide Ted Cruz's promise on public lands.

The promise starts around the 1:20 mark.

Keep it civil.
He's an idiot, and I'll leave it at that. What he wants to do is blasphemous. He could care less if a rich Saudi oil sheik buys up the entire state of Nevada as long as the government doesn't own it.
Since he is my Senator I've emailed his office multiple times on this issue. I've even pulled Big Fin's "cold dead hands" angle. It's obvious that he and his office don't put much weight in input from constituents as all that has happened is that I'm now on their mailing list asking for money to fund his campaign. :(
You gotta love Big Fin having to implore us to "Keep it civil" after showing a clip of Cruz talking on public lands. That speaks as loud as Cruz himself. He'll never get my vote.
That is exactly why I feel betrayed by the Republican Party, which I have generally supported my whole life. Its time to start a new party: the Huntin and fishin party with Big Fin as our candidate.
Big Fin- thanks for posting. Cruz has clearly stated his stance on this issue. And I do not agree with him.
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How does giving control of the lands to the individual states "give it to the people". It's mine already, in every state. Mine, his, ours, we all own it.
Four years ago I think I must have been the only person to hear Mitt Romney say he was going to get the Govt. out of the land business.

What Teddy doesn't realize is that the people already own govt land. How dumb can he be? The states can't handle it and will sell it off to private interests if they are saddled with taking care of it. Maybe by playing dumb he thinks he can fool everyone, and when corporations suck up all our land we'd be asking ourselves "How'd that happen?"

This election is so entertaining - more laughs than a room-full of comedians. Trouble is, that a lot of voters don't see this kind of stuff coming, have no awareness of the issues.
I have to toss him a bone: He's clear as crystal. No mealy mouthed, wish-washy back-tracking on that. The only way out would be an open change of heart saying "I was wrong." And, since that ain't gonna happen, and if he get's the nomination, folks will have to decide what means more to them. Of course, that's always true, I guess. :p
I have an argument over this with a few people, and they still matter what I say, that they think the lands are better off in the states control...then the feds. That they trust they state govt. more then the feds. Just can't get through to them.
First off, Im not a cruz fan. I cant stand when he goes full preach mode (sounds really fake). Secondly I am a Texan, living in the American west, so I am 100% pro public land.Sometimes I still cant believe I can just pull up to blm/N.F. and just start hunting...have to pinch myself sometimes.

But I think Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I want to be a trespasser? Or do I want to be a public land hunter without half of my income? If the Rep. front runner gets elected, I might have to start trespassing on my own public land. If the Dem. front runner is elected, I might not have any income left over from paying my "fair share" to go hunting. So I guess with Cruzy I could afford bond/bail for the trespass charge, and with "the bern" I could hitch..or ride a free bus?? to hunt. Or maybe they'll be a govt. stipend for gasoline...course there'll probably a carbon tax too...hmmmm

Why does it seem like I have to choose between nutters and thieves?

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