Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Crossbows During Archery- for a select few

Maybe I'll email Jana and see if I can get some Christmas gifts from and trinkets. She's made over the years.

I'm clearly not the best one to send emails to commissioners.
Not to worry. They won’t listen to your concern anyways. They’ve made that clear.
I'd say email then, and follow up post decision.

You'll catch a lot more flies with honey than vinegar. Build your relationships and become a trusted voice if you can. If you lead with your chin, you just shut that door.
Build your relationships and become a trusted voice if you can.
Appointed, not elected. They have one person to serve.

Guess I am not very open minded this morning. Watching four of the five in action doesn’t give me much hope. I see new two as more of the same. We shall see.
Appointed, not elected. They have one person to serve.

Guess I am not very open minded this morning. Watching four of the five in action doesn’t give me much hope. I see new two as more of the same. We shall see.

Outcomes may be pre-determined, but how we approach them is not. Expect to lose a lot of fights over the next few years, but never give up your humanity in doing so.
I e-mailed the commissioners about an hour ago and have already had one reply, so at least one of them read my e-mail.
This crossbow vote tomorrow will tell much about what to expect from Jana.
She’ll vote in favor of it. Just as she posted a video earlier this year saying it was taking credit away from disabled vets. Even though it somehow morphed into a disabled vet bill.
Hunting with a crossbow is fine if you are walking to a deer stand. I can't imagine lugging one in the west doing spot and stalk. They are a PITA to carry.

Matthews TX-5
RTH (no quiver) 5.9lbs



not to mention you got the gohunt bros selling people on 13lbs-15lbs 'mountain rifles'

This argument is trash and needs to die.
Basically. I'm less concerned about crossbows during archery than I am winning the war that the Governor of MT is starting against resident hunters & scientific management of wildlife.

Fighting the agency over crossbows is a losing battle. Building a better mousetrap for elk hunting puts FWP & the Governor's office on defense, rather than offense.

F' defense. Let's lay siege to the citadel.
Careful Ben. Mr Garland is watching ;)
OK, so how does the 84 year old guy in favor who says he's "old and feeble" carry a crossbow, let alone hold it up to shoot? Not to mention hike, climb, dress, quarter, pack, etc.? :rolleyes:
Unanimous no for allowing those 4 to use crossbows. That got way more heated than I thought it would.

But I don't think this issue is over at all.
No tabor wants to see it in the future. It’ll be back. I’m sure Molnar introduces more legislation on it.

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