Caribou Gear

COVID or the Flu?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I am beginning to wonder which is worse, COVID or the flu.

I just got released from quarantine today, not for COVID but for the flu. They were not specific on which variant of the flu virus it was, but while I was sent home and asked to self-quarantine, they did not order lab tests to determine which type. They did to the nasopharyngeal swab which was not fun, but that test come back negative. They kept me overnight because of fluid in my lungs but I was breathing and problem was still mild enough that they didn't prescribe diuretics or anything like they would if it was more severe. Went home with advice to take Tamiflu which seemed to work. My wife was in a panic with the way it affected me but you know how wives worry. Usually for the good though.

Way back in February 2020, I was likely exposed to COVID and so was my wife through her work at the hospital but both of us tested negative. The antibodies testing they tried a year later after it became available to us showed both of us positive but I experienced no symptoms and wife only had mild symptoms more like a bad cold except wife had the no smell or taste symptoms. I had no symptoms.

Later, I had to give up my elk hunt because my wife was exposed while I was gone and was going into the hospital. Wife was again exposed during my elk hunt but did not have symptoms and tested negative. Because of her issues, risk factors and experiences she was having, I had to leave elk hunt rather suddenly. I didn't have time to make sure @Wildabeast cabin was properly closed, properly cleaned and shut and left that to my friends I left behind and there were bumps. Still was a really nice way to celebrate my retirement. That cabin is not a cabin, it's a mansion in a compound.

So now I am wondering which is the worse experience. I have heard war stories and everyone's experience is different in this regard. I am just glad to receive the release from the doctor so I can venture back out and get stuff mailed I sold on here and finally get some of the bird houses I made out of reclaimed lumber to the people that bought them.

Interested in hearing experiences others have had and how it affected everything around them. With me, the flu experience I just got out of was more severe. That is without the politicized explanation, just real life experiences.
Both can be real bad, or just about nothing, there are many variables. In my wife's medical opinion the flu has potential to be real bad next year since hardly anybody had it this past season.
I mean fewer than 50k deaths per year from the flu vs 500k deaths last year from COVID....

This isn't hard to understand and it amazes me that the two still get compared.
I am not talking numbers. I am more interested in individual experiences. The stats are there and no denying them nor am I trying to minimize the seriousness of COVID-19. Everyone's experience is different. In my case I was exposed but never had symptoms of COVID itself.
I am not talking numbers. I am more interested in individual experiences. The stats are there and no denying them nor am I trying to minimize the seriousness of COVID-19. Everyone's experience is different. In my case I was exposed but never had symptoms of COVID itself.
Your opening line is the definition of minimizing the seriousness of it.

Individual experiences? Well I know 2 people who had the individual experience of dying from their lungs filling up and a handful more who have been hospitalized and hanging by a thread, including people who are young and healthy. Even with no respiratory symptoms, my wife was down for over a week with it. Glad you didn't have any symptoms and sorry you had a bad run with the flu. But they arent even close.
I managed to get both during the course of 2020.

The flu hit me harder but was shorter. Covid wasn't as bad but dragged on longer.
Your mileage may vary, I'm in my late 20s and active
Had covid in February, sick as hell for 9 days. Got vaccinated yesterday and that's not turning out to be the greatest experience either. Although I worked today it was a slow struggle. Personally covid hit me way harder but the unfortunate part is the political softball it's become. Now it's time to hope we get back to "normal ".
Flu is not joke this year. I have friends that have had C19 twice and have recently got some super bug (not C19) and were down and out for a week with high fever and body aches. Guys that don’t normally get sick at all.
Had covid in February, sick as hell for 9 days. Got vaccinated yesterday and that's not turning out to be the greatest experience either. Although I worked today it was a slow struggle. Personally covid hit me way harder but the unfortunate part is the political softball it's become. Now it's time to hope we get back to "normal ".
Ive heard the vaccine leaves you with a brain haze or cloudy ......hard to think.....any such experience?
Ive heard the vaccine leaves you with a brain haze or cloudy ......hard to think.....any such experience?
Didn't experience that just feels like the same with covid. Body aches and really tired. I was refusing to get it but in order to participate with my kids it's gonna be required where I live. They got the control and if you're a peasant like me, well ya get the damn shot.
Ive heard the vaccine leaves you with a brain haze or cloudy ......hard to think.....any such experience?
Nearly everyone I know is now vaccinated. Most of us had some sort of "under the weather" experience after shot 2. For me, I just felt tired and achy the next day. But that reaction has been short for everyone and no one I know has complained of any brain fog from the vaccine. From the virus itself, is a different story...
I am not talking numbers. I am more interested in individual experiences. The stats are there and no denying them nor am I trying to minimize the seriousness of COVID-19. Everyone's experience is different. In my case I was exposed but never had symptoms of COVID itself.
WyoDoug; Glad you didn't have any severe symptoms. I am currently half way through my quarantine now. I started out with a thumping headache that went to a really high fever over night. I started to get body aches, still have them currently, and felt horribly drained of energy. I have spent the majority of my time over the last few days sleeping. my wife has had it for a few days longer than I have and she has been worse off from the start. All in all I have had worse flue symptoms that lasted for weeks on end in the past. I think the biggest problem with Covid is just how infectious it is and that it usually attacks the respiratory system. I don't know what the biggest impact will be yet.
Had covid in February, sick as hell for 9 days. Got vaccinated yesterday and that's not turning out to be the greatest experience either. Although I worked today it was a slow struggle. Personally covid hit me way harder but the unfortunate part is the political softball it's become. Now it's time to hope we get back to "normal ".
Part of my point. Get the politics out of it and it's easier to understand and get back to normal living. Yet I see politics inserted everytime someone tries to discuss these issues. Leave politics out of it and stay on point you get it resolved much faster. In my view politicians have literally made a mess out of this COVID-19 experience.
I had the Johnson vax last Tuesday. No side effects whatsoever. One shot and I'm done. Any of you are US vets, that's what the VA is giving. Go for it. Not only is it a one shot deal, but the track record is good. It tested out nearly 100% effective. In the US there were seventeen blood clotting issues from eight million vaccinations and essentially all were women under age fifty. That's one in 740,000 compared to Astra which is now at less than one in 30,000 up here.