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Conservation Groups suffering from C-19

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I look at the number of conservation events I normally attend or emcee this time of year and all of them are cancelled. Oak's Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society event promoted here on Hunt Talk being a prime example. I worry about these groups and their employees. I worry about the manner in which they can be supported without sounding insensitive to the times we are in, knowing the difficulty faces many families and businesses at this time. Hopefully this post is taken with my full appreciation for those concerns. And for those in a position to help, I hope they will do what they can.

I know these groups are sensitive to the bigger issues going on, so none of them want to be asking for money during such uncertain times. Since they won't ask, I'll at least make a suggestion for those who can afford to do so. Make your donations, buy some raffle tickets, pay off off your pledges, upgrade your membership level, or whatever you can do to help them through this time when the donation spigot has been turned off.

Mrs. Fin and I are lucky that we can do this. This week, in advance of the pledged payment dates, we paid off one of our five-year pledges and half of another. Both groups will make better use of the money than I will. I also bought memberships for me and my family members in other groups I have always appreciated and never found time or priority to do so. Now I find it to be a priority.

If you want to help Oak and his group, the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society here is a link where you can buy some tickets. I will be buying a few more. Link here -

If you want to help RMEF, a group that is near and dear to me, here is their link -

If you have your own favorite group that you want to make folks aware of, please post a link in this thread where others can help out.

I am aware that this is not an option for everyone, especially at this time. Yet, for those who can make it work and accelerate something they would have paid at year-end, think about paying it now. Or if you had though about upgrading your support to a group and you are able to do it, now would be a great time to help them.

I worry about what is going to happen with some of these groups. Most of them have top-talent employees who could make a lot more money elsewhere, but make personal sacrifice to make a difference to a cause they are passionate about.

Thanks to all of them doing what they do and for all who have supported them, past or present.
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My nonprofit has/will be feeling the pinch as well.

I've been buying RMEF memberships for birthdays in an attempt to help out. At $35 it's not bad plus they get a Gerber Vital. Doubling up on the gifts!
Great idea. Our Pheasants Forever chapter was lucky and had our banquet. We talked to our regional rep and told him we would set aside some money for a chapter that hasn't had their banquet and is in dire need of funds. Also, we pledged some money to the parent organization to help them in their time of need. they have always been there for us. Pheasants Forever chapters control 100% of all money raised at the local level. The only money that goes to corporate is the membership money. That is a rare model but works well for PF given the local nature of upland birds.

I recently joined Muley Fanatic Foundation after hearing Randy's podcast with them. Sounds like a great org. Gotta renew my RMEF membership!
Consider Muley Fanatic Foundation and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers during this challenging time. Two great organizations that are fighting for public land, water, and wildlife.
This is not a thread to critique and comment about each group. Whatever group someone wants to support is up to them.

As a CPA who has prepared a lot of Forms 990 for non-profit groups, any small group is going to have a huge amount/percentage of the expenditures go to executive compensation, as that small handful of people are doing the planning, printing, mailings, processing raffle tickets, setting up fundraisers, janitors, grounds crew, strategic planners, and whatever other things are needed for a small non-profit to make a difference.

You will see a high percentage of expenditures are for payroll in small local groups that are land trusts, school associations, non-profits for disabled, charities for struggling military vets, and so on. Just a function of who is getting the work done. I guess they could reclass their payroll expense on the Form 990 to non-executive payroll, as most of what they do is the grunt work, but someone has to have the title of President/VP/Secretary/Treasurer and because of that, their payroll is classified as executive compensation.

I sat on the Board of a national group and was the Finance Committee chair for many years. A group of that size has the economy of scale to grow beyond the ratios you see with small grassroots non-profits.

No need for anyone to critique where others want to spend their money. Don't post such on this thread. Go start a different thread.
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Good post Randy. Going to buy more raffle tickets now and the RMEF gift memberships is a good idea too!
This is not a thread to critique and comment about each group. Whatever group someone wants to support is up to them.

As a CPA who has prepared a lot of Forms 990 for non-profit groups, any small group is going to have a huge amount/percentage of the expenditures go to executive compensation, as that small handful of people are doing the planning, printing, mailings, processing raffle tickets, setting up fundraisers, janitors, grounds crew, strategic planners, and whatever other things are needed for a small non-profit to make a difference.

You will see a high percentage of expenditures are for payroll in small local groups that are land trusts, school associations, non-profits for disabled, charities for struggling military vets, and so on. Just a function of who is getting the work done. I guess they could reclass their payroll expense on the Form 990 to non-executive payroll, as most of what they do is the grunt work, but someone has to have the title of President/VP/Secretary/Treasurer and because of that, their payroll is classified as executive compensation.

I sat on the Board of a national group and was the Finance Committee chair for many years. A group of that size has the economy of scale to grow beyond the ratios you see with small grassroots non-profits.

No need for anyone to critique where others want to spend their money. Don't post such on this thread. Go start a different thread.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but part of the stimulus package was that contributions to non-profits up to $300 will be tax deductible even if you don't itemize (your office sent out a memo that I interpreted that was). That means you can contribute more at the same cost without itemizing which is even better than the old days.
This is not a thread to critique and comment about each group. Whatever group someone wants to support is up to them.

As a CPA who has prepared a lot of Forms 990 for non-profit groups, any small group is going to have a huge amount/percentage of the expenditures go to executive compensation, as that small handful of people are doing the planning, printing, mailings, processing raffle tickets, setting up fundraisers, janitors, grounds crew, strategic planners, and whatever other things are needed for a small non-profit to make a difference.

You will see a high percentage of expenditures are for payroll in small local groups that are land trusts, school associations, non-profits for disabled, charities for struggling military vets, and so on. Just a function of who is getting the work done. I guess they could reclass their payroll expense on the Form 990 to non-executive payroll, as most of what they do is the grunt work, but someone has to have the title of President/VP/Secretary/Treasurer and because of that, their payroll is classified as executive compensation.

I sat on the Board of a national group and was the Finance Committee chair for many years. A group of that size has the economy of scale to grow beyond the ratios you see with small grassroots non-profits.

No need for anyone to critique where others want to spend their money. Don't post such on this thread. Go start a different thread.

Yes. And what are they getting paid to do? Work on the issues that the org exists for. It’s the work of the mission. Good enough for me.
And be quiet about Oak's raffle d*mmit. I'd need a pair of swaro binocs to go with my scope...
And be quiet about Oak's raffle d*mmit. I'd need a pair of swaro binocs to go with my scope...

You can have the binoculars, I'm planning on taking home one of the tags! ;)
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I needed a new blaze orange hat anyway (or that's what I'm telling myself.) Might as well have RMEF on it.
Good post big Fin things are crazy these days and putting this out their to keep folks in mind is a very good Idea
Esp since a few dollars maybe the one chance to hunt out west this year with all the crazyness

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