Come on Big Boy and Talk to Me

Crow Woman

New member
Jun 9, 2003
Covington, PA
Did some more groundhog damage control last night. Only one though, in the field that has just been cleaned of hay. I wasn't allowed to stay out too late last night and play but what fun I had.

After the night before, I knew ole big boy coyote wouldn't have the guts to come out in the daylight in my fields. I heard them off barking and howling in the distance.

I had another 2 hours to kill before I had to head back down off the hill, so I went sorting through my 5 gallon bucket of goodies that I carry along to my stands. It holds everything essential that I need plus it makes a nice setting stool when I want to get up off the ground.

Now keep in mind, I have been controlling and working this same crew of coyotes for many years, so nothing gets them rowled(sp?) up during the daylight enough to bring them to the fields. It's like they have designated that ground as "The Killing Fields" or something. During darkness, well, that's a different story.

I remembered today to throw my calls in the bucket this afternoon. I pulled out my ole faithful, open reed PRIMOS regulator and started off with a few fawn bleets. I could hear the coyotes advancing closer, but they were still way off. Interested a little but way off and not in a real hurry.

I sat there for a few looking for more groundhogs but nothing was around. I did some more rooting in my goodies and saw this beautiful antler that has been turned into a work of pure music sound. I think it was made by some Sly guy... grins. What do you know, yep, he signed it Slydog and on the flip side of the antler, he even put my name on it Crow Woman. I thought, what the h*ll. It's daylight, I'll have some fun and see what the coyotes have to say about this new sound.

I started with single blats, maybe about 4 as I heard a peeked interest in the coyotes and then silence over the fields from all. Then I really let the call have it. I squealed and screamed like I was a rabbit being murdered and crying for my last breath of air when all of a sudden, down came swooping a crow right in front of me and out to glide over the field. Before I gathered that picture in my mind, an entire flock of crows flew right over top of me like the first one and came searching for the crying animal.

The crows were squacking and then the coyotes must have been coming at a dead run yipping and barking all the way. I was really getting into this. I was excited! The adrenaline was pure rush! And then they stopped on the other side of the stone wall out at the end of my field. They barked and yipped up a storm back and forth just the other side of the stone wall making seven trips of pacing back and forth. They wanted to cross over so bad, but it was still daylight, so they talked and talked for about 15 minutes.

I could see through the open breaks of brush and tree's every once in awhile a tail or head bopping up and down. The crows and coyotes were singing loud and clear! It was totally hysterical! Then after about 15 minutes were up, they settled down on the other side and low woofed back and forth to each other. There were three of them. I could tell by their different vocals. I pay alot of attention to their sound every time I hunt.

I know what they were up to, the minute night will fall, they will be over that wall in high search of what just died on the field that they heard.

Now, like I said, these are coyotes that I have dealt with for many years and they WILL NOT come in the fields during daylight, no matter what, but they will work that stone wall on the other side for along time. They are probably all shot at coyotes also.


in all the years I have been hunting, I have never EVER seen them get so d*mned worked up over ANY call that I have used. And after all the years, I have used many MANY calls. But this little beauty, will be first choice, number one when half moon comes back around from here on out. I think I have just retired the fawn bleets and I have always pledged allegiance to that sound. I do know for a fact that when the opportunity comes for me to hunt off the farm in a different area, I can bet my rifle that I will have the new coyotes come running with this beauty!

Thanks Sly for the call. This is my experience with it and I wanted to let everyone know what a fabulous piece of workmanship this is. I am looking forward to getting off the farm and taking it out again! The coyotes just ate that sound right up!

Crow Woman
I know exactly what you mean. There are some Slydog calls in my possition. They are more than prized they are cherished. No, not cherished a family heirloom. Yep that is what they are.
I haven't had a chance to use mine yet,but my time is coming.CW,if I were you,I'd set up an ambush on the other side of that stone wall and fix Mr. yotee's hind end.

One of the fun things in hunting is figuring out your quarry and setting up a fine ambush.I have done it with deer several times and it is always a blast [pardon the pun].
I'll do that Seldom if I feel I have to, but for now, I just wanted to see if I could get them stirred up and I wanted to find out the results of Sly's call.

hehehe... It was so much fun!!!

Even the crows surprised me

Crow Woman


Thats a great story Crow Woman. I really like my slydog calls also. The smaller call is honestly the best jackrabbit I've ever heard. You can really get on it hard and still get a good crisp sound.

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