NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Colorado Unit 52 November


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2015
A friend of mine drew a Colorado 52 deer hunt in November 4-12. His unit covers units 52/411/521. It's a private land only hunt. If you could shoot some ideas of where to go in the units or any other tips it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
Do you have permission lined up yet? I would expect to be paying some pretty hefty fees. You are going to be hunting agg land, upside is that's we're most of the deer will be that time of year. I know landowners in the area, none of whom regularly let people hunt their land but if you really get stuck I can give you some numbers and you can given them a try. There are a couple big ranches that outfit in the area you might want to try first. If you PM me how much you are willing to pay I can try and ask around and see if anyone is willing to play ball for that number. I don't personally own land so that's the best I can offer unfortunately.
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That's a pretty darn good offer!!No idea why anyone would get private land only tag without permission lined up 1st.You should jump on that offer
Did he put in for a private land tag on purpose? As stated above access will be the issue, but once that is overcome there should be plenty of deer.
A friend of mine...

Ok Firedude, that "friend" you mention- is you isn't it? I can ask around for price- but it will be in the Hotchkiss/Paonia area. Cedaredge would be my first area to check if I had cash- but I don't know as many people with land there as I used to.
I talked to a landowner that said he would do permission if you guys can come to terms on a price. PM me if you want their number.
So a slight misunderstanding. I looked at Ron's tag and it is not a private land only tag. It is a public land tag. He came to me asking for help because his 70 year old eyes misread the tag number. He thought he put in for a public land tag and when he drew looked at the tag and thought he had put in on the wrong one and drawn a private land tag. He showed me the regs and that little "private land only" in the regs would be hard to read with elderly eyes. Thank you all for the help. wllm1313 I talked to him about the trespass fee and he was happy you did that favor for him. If he decides to hunt private he will have me contact you.
I hunted elk last year second season. All the deer we saw were in the ag fields on private property, except for a few in the bushes across the 2 track from the ag fields. It was cold and rainy, but I don't know if that's normal for there at that time of year.
Glad to hear its a open unit tag! Will make things much easier for you guys. There is quite a bit of public land for that tag, at that time of the year you are probably best served at hunting the fringe of private catching the deer as go from the ag fields into the brush to bed for the day. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want that number. Good luck hope you buddy gets on a buck!!

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