NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Colorado Plains Elk Hunt

M. R. Byrd

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Hail from Dodge
I have never hunted elk on the Colorado plains, but am considering it this year. In past years I have always hunted in the Grand Junction area. My brother from Alaska is in chemo at present, but wants to hunt Colorado elk later this year and I see that the plains either s ex OTC tags offers an extended season, plus it would be closer to Dodge. It might also afford me a chance of getting both my sons and their families from KC in elk camp. One son has a brand new baby girl and the other son is expecting another baby in February, so a closer to home hunt might just work.

Anyone know of a good place to have a family vacation/reunion in the plains area and get into some elk?


Maynard & Murry
Don't know anything about CO elk, but just wanted to tell you to "Get the hell out of Dodge!" ;)

Actually, I spent a week in Dodge a few years ago hunting birds. We did pretty well on the lesser prairie chickens and pheasants. 'Twas some neat country to chase birds in. Getting to watch some locals chase coyotes with greyhounds was pretty cool as well! Good luck!
I have lived in the state all my life and only seen a hand full of elk on the plains, I know that there are a few elk heards in the northeastern and south eastern part of the state. You may run into alot of private land so you need to check with the Division of Wildlife in areas that you can hunt in. There are some private lands that the DOW leases so you can hunt on them for a small walk in fee. Again check with DOW.
Have a great hunt.
I think gaining access to areas with elk can be difficult, and then the elk might never actually be on the property you can hunt when you are there. I had a friend that had a tag a few years ago and kept talking about what a slam dunk hunt it was going to be. Big bulls everywhere, etc. When it came down to it, he didn't shoot an elk. There always seemed to be some excuse. The elk were on a neighboring property, couldn't get on the elk, bad weather, etc. Good luck!

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