Colorado Deer down....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I'm sure one has died, but not from 'Bugler yet. The huntings been hard I hear.

Let's send our "Good Lucks" over to him if you're not using them up on yourself :D :D
Good luck, Bugler. Just got back from Craig, Co. 2nd Period Rifle. No go after letting two or three little bucks go. Fired a 200 yard "see ya later" shot at a 30+ inchers head... the only shot he gave me. Watched an assortment of spikes and 2 point bulls cavorting around my general area. Ground up $1,000 or so of tags and license for a tasty tag soup. True... the bucks and bulls were very hard to find. Still had a good time. DD
IB said it's been as tough a hunt as he's had in a while. I'm sure he'll end up doing "OK" though........
With the luck IB has had this year, I'm betting on the deer loosing

Good luck either way, being out hunting sure beats the hell out of working reguardless of what you get.
Wasn't the New World Record but I "Hear" it didn't Suck :)

Kudos IDB !!!! More when he get's back. Ithnik he's on his way.
Said he should be on the way to my house in a couple of hours, with 7 days of "stink".
Good job Bugler. I am sure it will be a story to remember, as is the case with his hunts.

Man, if it was that hard for him, I ain't got a chance next week. Hell, may as well not even go.

But, given the alternative of completing tasks on the Honey-do list, work demands, and other crap that seems much less appealling, I guess I will go to CO and contribute to the local economy.

Season starts on Wednesday the 12th, but I will be leaving Saturday to get in a few days of scouting.

Here goes nothing! :eek:
But, given the alternative of completing tasks on the Honey-do list, work demands, and other crap that seems much less appealling, I guess I will go to CO and contribute to the local economy.

Season starts on Wednesday the 12th, but I will be leaving Saturday to get in a few days of scouting.

Here goes nothing! :eek:

Hell, if nothing else, go help rearrange Oak's furniture, for all of 3 minutes, and then go landscape his yard.....
:D I would much rather spend my money on hunting than furniture (much to my wife's chagrin), and your compatriots took care of the landscaping in May.

Mr. Fin, good luck on your hunt. I e-mailed you a map with an "X" on it.

"X" marks the best local establishment for celebrations. ;)
:D I e-mailed you a map with an "X" on it.

"X" marks the best local establishment for celebrations. ;)

Thanks Oak. I hope to have reason to celebrate.

Just got a phone pic of the mystery buck from CO. Holy Chit, if that thing is as big as it looks in that pic, Mr. Bugler has outdone himself once again.

Congrats Bugler. You work your tail off, and the rewards are well deserved. :)
He just showed up. It's a nice looking deer, that's for sure. And the way he's walking, I think he did work his tail off.
What a terrific and deserving year IB is having. Anticipating the story & pics. Way to go 'again' Bryce.
Any pics or story on this one yet? Bugler probably enjoying some qualityhump time at home before he gets them out. Again congrats to you IB for a smoker season
Unlike most of us that just like others to wait, Bugler's wife had another Tag and He's back out again "hitting it hard" with her. hump hump

It might be a few days for his story.

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