Colorado corner crossing legislation proposal

Yep few weeks back and I got this reply

Thank you very much for reaching out about HB23-1066. I understand the importance of this issue for many of her constituents. However, Rep. McCormick does not take an opinion until it has gone through the committee process.
Well I'm glad you got a response. I didn't even get that when I wrote to them!
I had planned to go in person, but I’ll now be traveling for work. I’ll be submitting written support instead.
Representative Winter And Lucan's have decided to build no on this bill. One is a Republican and 1 is a Democrat. It's time to bombard their inboxes.

[email protected]

[email protected]
I emailed this:

You still have the opportunity to demonstrate to your constituents that you support giving us full access to the public lands we have owned in perpetuity, but have been locked out of by private landowners. The same landowners that profit by treating our public lands as their private fiefdoms, profiting immensely from their wrongful control from your lands, my lands, all our public lands. Your constituents are watching your action or inaction on this bill, and sharing our findings so that you can be responsive to your electorate, not just the few that own private land barriers to our national legacy of public lands. Thanks in advance for supporting this legislation.
The sponsor of this bill is going to kill it in committee and convene stakeholder discussions later this year after the session. I'm just the messenger. I don't know anything else.
That's not true. You can still testify at the committee hearing Monday and it will be laid over not killed. I will be there in person testifying on Monday.
A killed bill gets a no vote in the committee whereas a laid over bill gets only testimony but no vote is taken at the committee. This allows the bill to still be alive and talked about for a future vote
That's not true. You can still testify at the committee hearing Monday and it will be laid over not killed. I will be there in person testifying on Monday.
Ok, sorry. I was told this morning that "Bradley is going to pull the bill in Committee and engage in stakeholder discussions this summer about how to proceed." Obviously she isn't going to "kill" it, but it sounds like it will be laid over or postponed indefinitely.
Postponed indefinitely means it will never be brought up again. That's what happens with a killed bill. This bill will be brought up again after some more discussions have taken place. This is important because if you kill a bill in committee it never gets brought up again.
An update on this bill. It has a committee meeting on Monday. This will give you an opportunity to speak if you are signed up Or your written testimony will be submitted. The bill will not get voted on because it's going to get laid over. A laid over bill is not a killed bill and allows for more discussions to take place. It will not be receiving a vote by the committee on Monday. Instead it will be voted on in a future session. So if you want to have a skin in the game I suggest you continue to submit your thoughts and speak up on Monday.
Another update: Representative Bradley had a meeting with Governor Polis's policy adviser on Monday and as a result of that meeting, which was very positive, Governor Polis himself will meet with Representative Bradley Monday. In case some of you are not aware, this governor has opened up more public lands than any other governor. I think he would love to open up 101000 more acres through 489 access points for the public land enthusiast.
I emailed this:

You still have the opportunity to demonstrate to your constituents that you support giving us full access to the public lands we have owned in perpetuity, but have been locked out of by private landowners. The same landowners that profit by treating our public lands as their private fiefdoms, profiting immensely from their wrongful control from your lands, my lands, all our public lands. Your constituents are watching your action or inaction on this bill, and sharing our findings so that you can be responsive to your electorate, not just the few that own private land barriers to our national legacy of public lands. Thanks in advance for supporting this legislation.

I got this terse reply from Ty.:

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns regarding HB23-1066. I will be voting against this legislation, it is a clear violation of private property rights and could put property owners at risk of frivolous lawsuits.


Ty Winter
State Representative
House District 47
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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