Caribou Gear

Colorado corner crossing legislation proposal

If you even have a good plan, I agree...don't think there is one in this case.

I agree that perfection shouldn't be the enemy of the good.
This one is tough for me. Admittedly, I don't know much about it that isn't on this thread.

It does seem like in the legislative process sometimes it takes a few years of trying a similar bill to get it done.

But I think just the fact that a republican who is willing to go against landowners and their rights (real or perceived) of owning air brought this to the table shows a small glimmer of promise.
I applaud Representative Bradley for putting this legislation forward. What we have in Colorado is a lot of ultra rich landowners who own thousands of acres and then there is middle class Republican like me who doesn't but likes to be outside.
I will have no problem stepping over a point as I'm not an idiot and I will not be stepping on any rancher's property.
If there is no survey stake in the ground I might decide to go rent some GPS from a surveying company or pay to have it surveyed.
I actually think this legislation will get through the committee because governor Polis and the democrats in Colorado have not been very kind to ranchers. I think they would love nothing more than to push this through just to piss off another rancher.

Me it doesn't make me very happy as a Republican hunter when I walk up to a point and see no trespassing signs around it. I think to myself who are you to say you own the air. My 3 Colorado property deeds say nothing about me owning any air.

In conclusion, I would encourage all of you to call your legislature and tell them to support it. You don't own thousands of acres like the ultra rich rancher but I don't think they own the air. I would also encourage you when the committee hearing is to come and testify.
That's great that there is federal civil case out there which wasn't listed on BHA website. I would hope BHA is going to go to the committee hearing and speak in support of representative Bradley's bill along with getting the word out to the members of BHA to support the bill because it doesn't hurt to have as many fronts as possible on this issue. In addition, it would be be nice to have it as part of our state laws here in Colorado because then if our state law says it's legal it's more difficult to undo and make it not legal at a state level.
I don't understand that lack of support either but admittedly don't know much about how the process works.
Sometimes the best strategy is to force a difficult conversation and raise awareness. The general public sees how ridiculous it is that control of the air at a corner gives a private landowner control of a public resource/asset. The more awareness and outrage the better. Donors control politicians until there is overwhelming general support for somethine.
I don't understand that lack of support either but admittedly don't know much about how the process works.
My limited understanding of things is folks are not willing to throw their support at anything that doesn't look like it will move forward. I guess they are too chicken to speak up and say "this is an important issue even though I don't think we can get traction".
My limited understanding of things is folks are not willing to throw their support at anything that doesn't look like it will move forward. I guess they are too chicken to speak up and say "this is an important issue even though I don't think we can get traction".
Nothing is stopping anyone from attending the committee meeting and voicing their verbal support for this. Regardless of what little word or words they would have put in the bill. All anyone needs to do is just show up and say, " I support this bill" and see where it goes from there. In addition to that, people need to be slamming the inboxes of the AG committee saying they support it.
Nothing is stopping anyone from attending the committee meeting and voicing their verbal support for this. Regardless of what little word or words they would have put in the bill. All anyone needs to do is just show up and say, " I support this bill" and see where it goes from there. In addition to that, people need to be slamming the inboxes of the AG committee saying they support it.
Very good point. I was thinking of legislators rather than us "common folk" :)
The committee meeting for this bill, which will be in the agriculture committee, will be on February 13th, room 107 at 1:30. I will be there. So mark your calendar if gaining access to additional 101000 acres matters to you and come to Denver and voice your opinion at the meeting. Here is the link: .
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The committee meeting for this bill, which will be in the agriculture committee, will be on February 13th, room 107 at 1:30. I will be there. So mark your calendar if gaining access to additional 450000 acres matters to you and come to Denver and voice your opinion at the meeting. Here is the link: .
CO BHA is planning to have someone in attendance to speak in favor of this bill as well.

I'm curious where you got the 450k acres number. This article says 101k acres: "In Colorado, 668,000 acres of public land — roughly 2.5 times the size of Rocky Mountain National Park — are considered “landlocked” or not accessible by public roads or trails, according to onX. About 15% of that land is corner-locked behind 489 property corners, which are shared with 527 unique landowners, onX said."

Either way, it's a fair bit of land.
CO BHA is planning to have someone in attendance to speak in favor of this bill as well.

I'm curious where you got the 450k acres number. This article says 101k acres: "In Colorado, 668,000 acres of public land — roughly 2.5 times the size of Rocky Mountain National Park — are considered “landlocked” or not accessible by public roads or trails, according to onX. About 15% of that land is corner-locked behind 489 property corners, which are shared with 527 unique landowners, onX said."

Either way, it's a fair bit of land.
I misread the article I was reading and then I went on on X maps and double checked and you are correct it's a 101000. Quite a few blocks of 640 acres. So I have corrected my post
CO BHA is planning to have someone in attendance to speak in favor of this bill as well.

I'm curious where you got the 450k acres number. This article says 101k acres: "In Colorado, 668,000 acres of public land — roughly 2.5 times the size of Rocky Mountain National Park — are considered “landlocked” or not accessible by public roads or trails, according to onX. About 15% of that land is corner-locked behind 489 property corners, which are shared with 527 unique landowners, onX said."

Either way, it's a fair bit of land.
I'm curious, who from BHA is coming to speak?
A friendly reminder to email all of the representatives in the agriculture committee. They need as many reminders that you all in the hunting community support this. Obviously the outfitters and ranchers are doing the same thing but they are filling it up with emails not in support of this. We as hunters have a lot more numbers than they do and we should be able to blow up the inboxes with a lot more emails than they can.
There is a draft proposed bill in preparation that would legalize corner crossing in Colorado.
A republican sponsor so far. Likely gonna get smashed by the Ag/landowner/outfitter lobby and their minion?

See what you think. Feel free to offer comments and suggestions. My 3rd hand understanding is BHA was not interested in weighing in but that is very 3rd hand info. If any Colo BHA folks have thoughts, let’s hear them.

Democrats have a supermajority in both sides of the legislature so not sure if this republican sponsored bill will get any sort of fair chance. Personlly, would be surprised if the republicns will get behind it.

Hopefully y’all can access this PDF attachment. Let me know if not.
Hey- I'm willing to reach out to my Dem legislator, but since the bill hasn't been formally introduced any idea what I need to tell them?
Hey- I'm willing to reach out to my Dem legislator, but since the bill hasn't been formally introduced any idea what I need to

Hey- I'm willing to reach out to my Dem legislator, but since the bill hasn't been formally introduced any idea what I need to tell them?
The bill has been formally introduced and is in a committee hearing set for February 13th at 1:30 in assembly room 107.
You can tell your legislature that you support the bill and would like them to support it and you Thank you should have a right to cross at these corners and access your public lands and that landowners should not have exclusive rights to your public land. They are not paying taxes on it and instead we all are yet they get to use it and we don't

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