Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

colorado area 62


New member
Aug 2, 2009
can some one give me pointer on where to start looking for elk in this area? we are were picked to go for rifle season and I'm not looking for your honey hole just some good advice for me and my dad(whose 65) to find some elk. I have a cow tag(Looking for freezer meat) and my dad is going to get a OTC for bull. We are not throphy hunters just looking for a legal bull and cow! thanks in advance and God Bless and Good Luck to all!!!
Ive only hunted archery season in this unit, what rifle season are you hunting? I imagine if its 1st season it will be very similar to archery season. Heavy pressure in this unit, look in all the deep holes, nasty spots & the dark timber. Get away from the atv's......if that's possible. It's a big unit and the elk are scattered but they can be found. I would be optimistic filling the cow tag, the OTC bull tag usually takes some work, but that's what elk hunting is. Terrain wise it's not terribly steep and you'll be hunting 7k -9k in eval. Best of luck.
My friends and I have archery/muzzleloader hunted an area near Montrose for the last 10 years. Every year the area gets drier and drier and less animals seen. The pine beetle has made its mark and an aspen die off has made water holes dry up as well. The animals are there for sure but once the season starts they get tough to hunt. The success I've witnessed from other hunters is tree stands near openings and overlooking deep drainages. Some wonderful country to hunt and I love it with all my heart but I think I will move on to a new spot to hunt in the future. Find the water, the best years are wet ones. Feel free to email me. I'll give you any info on the area I have. [email protected]
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My friends and I have archery/muzzleloader hunted an area near Montrose for the last 10 years. Every year the area gets drier and drier and less animals seen. The pine beetle has made its mark and an aspen die off has made water holes dry up as well. The animals are there for sure but once the season starts they get tough to hunt. The success I've witnessed from other hunters is tree stands near openings and overlooking deep drainages. Some wonderful country to hunt and I love it with all my heart but I think I will move on to a new spot to hunt in the future. Find the water, the best years are wet ones. Feel free to email me. I'll give you any info on the area I have. [email protected]

Aspen die off?
Thanks for the article Oak. It figures that the root cause of a die off is drought. There is another valley up there that is all dead pine for as far as the eye can see. I don't like to think what would happen if a right thunderstorm came through and lit the place ablaze. Fire regeneration is key to a healthy forest but that one would be a sterilizer.

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