Colorado 3rd Season OTC Units


New member
Jan 29, 2017
Hey guys, looking for the best unit to do an OTC public land bull elk rifle hunt. It will be my first year doing it next year and I'm planning on going 3rd season. If you guys have any ideas on the best units for a good chance at a decent bull let me know. Thanks!!!

I noticed in a different thread that you said you are 14. Good on you for getting the hunting addiction early. You are the same age as my son. Here is my thoughts. All of the OTC areas have their pros and cons. Those of us that have had success in one, could make a case that ours is best. Having hunted many OTC areas over the years, I'd honestly look at any OTC unit in the NW, Central or SW part of the state. They can all be good and all hold good numbers of elk. Going 3rd season means you'll have to hit North and East facing stands of black timber and hunt the steep stuff for a bull. Pray for snow as that sure doesn't hurt anything. Hunt from dawn to dusk.

I'd look at areas near Meeker(White River Herd), Gunnison Basin and the areas in and around Durango. I really don't have a favorite unit. I've seen good bulls in almost every unit I've hunted. Good or bad. Some you just have to hunt harder than others. That's just my thoughts on OTC areas.

I'm sure I'm not alone, but if you find a unit you like the looks of, feel free to see if anyone is willing share some info. If those happen to be in the Gunnison area(Ive hunted here the longest), I'll be happy to help. Just shoot me a PM if so.

I see you're young. The question you just asked is definitely taboo. Do some more research and you can figure out the right questions to ask.

If people answer what the best OTC unit is on a public forum, it won't be the best very long.

Besides, nobody knows the answer to that question.
I hunted an OTC unit for elk by myself a few years ago. Just a word of warning, it's a big undertaking. You need to be confident and self-reliant with camping gear and hiking and navigating in unfamiliar terrain. Then if you're lucky enough to get an elk the real work begins. An elk will be 3-5 pack loads, so every mile you are from a road is 6-10 miles of hiking, half of which is loaded heavy. I'm not telling you this to discourage you, because I think it's a great goal and something I'm planning to do again myself. Just want you to be prepared. You might have better luck starting off with antelope and mule deer hunting. Use that experience to test out new gear and develop the skills to successfully get way back from the roads, shoot an elk, and get it back out to the truck. I personally was a bit unprepared my first time, and I was 32 and a military veteran with hiking, navigating, camping, etc. experience. You can PM me with any questions.

Good luck,

I see you're young. The question you just asked is definitely taboo. Do some more research and you can figure out the right questions to ask.

If people answer what the best OTC unit is on a public forum, it won't be the best very long.

Besides, nobody knows the answer to that question.

I think that paste is out of the tube, has been for some time.
I'd put in for a 1st season bull or a 4th season either sex tag, both seasons are only 5 days but can offer twice the odds at filling a tag. There will be way less people than the 3rd season too. If you set on the 3rd season I used to have good success in the Gunnison Basin and Dolores area.
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