Cold enough for predator season


New member
Oct 11, 2006
Grants, New Mexico
Well it's about that time to start calling dogs and cats in NM. hump
How are the other surrounding area doing with this years kills???

Pictures would be great.
killed a young coyote last weekend while pheasant hunting. he still had blue hide. Another couple weeks they should be primed up.
As of right now I have made 4 stands and have not called in a thing except a dumb jack rabbit that gave me a dirty look so I had to shoot it :D

This weekend I plan on going up north and trying to call in a few dogs so my 16 year old nephew can kill his first dog. Hopefully I will call something for him to shoot so he can get some fresh blood on his gun
Killed two this last week while out deer hunting. I sell them whole to a taxidermist in town. $15-$20for prime stuff. It helps pay for gas.
Killed two this last week while out deer hunting. I sell them whole to a taxidermist in town. $15-$20for prime stuff. It helps pay for gas.