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Coffee at home

My daughter gave me a low end Keurig cup-at-a-time machine a few years back for Christmas. Works very well for me because I live alone and it doesn't take up much space on my limited countertop. I use the refillable cartridges so no environmental waste. Somewhere I have a french press. Never cared for it. Coffee got cold too fast (especially at camp) and often grounds leaked. I'm not into flavoured fancy crap. Starbucks needs to have two tills: one for people ordering a "normal" coffee and the other line up out the door for frappuccino, etc. Let those sissy folks take a nap waiting to get their stuff.
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I’ll have to ask my daughter how she’s got me set up.... she was a manager/barista at Pete’s Coffee when she went to Boise State. Though shes in Bend now she still grinds and provides our beans and has my temp set “just so” on my pour over. Don’t know any of the fine print other than it makes a damn fine cup and I probably drink way too much of it!
I like Seattle’s best #5 it’s real good and not very expensive I like it real black. Mr coffee is just fine for me but glad you guys are willing to go the extra mile.
Lots of good ideas mentioned already. One critical component that hasn't been brought up: Coffee is around 99% water. You have to start with decent water. I filtered city water for years, but nothing compares to good old well water.
Folger's is OK... but as soon as the Canadian Border is open, it will be Tim Hortons for me !!!!!
Staying with your in-laws and being subjected to their Folgers...
The last time we stayed at the in-laws we had to wait for my FIL to weigh his damn coffee beans :(and then grind them for x number of seconds in his coffee grinder. Because he said only fresh ground coffee beans would work. :rolleyes:Then wait for him to fiddle with the damn pour-through brewer.
Don't get me wrong, it did result in a great cup of coffee but it took at least half an hour for him to do this.
After a few days of this my wife got pissed off🤬 and told him to just grind a pound of beans. We made a pot of coffee in a regular drip coffee maker the next day and you would never know the difference.
Apparently he just liked to make it into a big show of coffee making.
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The last time we stayed at the in-laws we had to wait for my FIL to weigh his damn coffee beans :(and then grind them for x number of seconds in his coffee grinder. Because he said only fresh ground coffee beans would work. :rolleyes:Then wait for him to fiddle with the damn pour-through brewer.
Don't get me wrong, it did result in a great cup of coffee but it took at least half an hour for him to do this.
After a few days of this my got pissed off🤬 and told him to just grind a pound of beans. We made a pot of coffee in a regular drip coffee maker the next day and you would never know the difference.
Apparently he just liked to make it into a big show of coffee making.
Does your FIL have nice hair? I'm finding it's often correlated to how long it takes someone to make coffee.
I use a French press almost exclusively. Normally I get beans from Mazevo (one of our local coffee shops) because I know the owners and its fresh. But we also get beans from my wife's uncle. His family owns a coffee plantation in Jamaica and he imports, roasts and distributes for the family. He also imports coffee from around the world and sells it online and has a storefront in Atlanta. Its a really great day when we get a package from him in the mail.
I have swung back toward easy. I can't stand noise before my coffee, so I get pre-ground... yes, starbucks, sumatra/house/breakfast via subscriptions. It just magically shows up once a month. I tried BRC but the flavor wasn't worth the extra $, plus I find with coffee, it's more about the routine. I love my routine, if my coffee tasted better I might not like it as much, because it just isn't want my body craves in the morning.
I'm somewhere in between "keep your Folgers garbage away from me" and "the floral notes of this Ethiopian blend are delicious".
Oh man this is a rabbit hole I might be headed neighbors opened a coffee shop a couple years ago and hosted a coffee tasting where the roaster came in from Chicago, talked about how coffee plants are grown, and (gasp!) I discovered I CAN taste the floral notes of an Ethiopian coffee vs S American coffees....😲

We've got a manual burr grinder I use for producing pour-over Chemex, but I'm not familiar w far my manual grind black coffee doesn't live up to the coffee shop product.

....we also have a decent espresso machine and I've gotten pretty good at producing microfoam for lattes, cappuccino etc.

Interested to learn more from the HT crowd!
So I'm in the middle of looking into this.. So I'm a wealth of information.

I would go bean to cup. It grinds for you and pours a perfect cup, with crema if you buy the right machine. Incredible cup of coffee.

Go with a Franke A1000, A600 or a Rancilio Egro. The Franke A1000 would be my top choice. It has fresh ground coffee,, milk, flavors and powder. Makes mocha, lattes, americanos, machiattos, espresso shots, all with real milk. And all yours for just under $20k. But oh so sweet! The A600 is bean to cup coffee only. A1000 is espresso with all the add-ons.

Seriously guys. Look the machine up. It's awesome.
My morning cup is a blend of melted glacier ice cut with the tears of emotionally distraught grizzly bears in a cryogenically sculpted diamond mug, stirred at an rpm of 50, with Stalin’s straight razor.

The beans are usually artificially flavored hazelnut. Medium roast. Either that or whatever brand is that green can on sale at Albertsons.

Add a little powdered French Vanilla Creamer and you have achieved the summit of coffee’s Mt. Everest.
After breaking several of the glass French presses I went for an insulated stainless steel model. My wife buys us coffee beans in 5 lb. bags. My favorite so far is Subtle Earth Organic, but there are a lot of good ones out there, and it is fun to try new ones. I use a standard issue electric grinder. Water is from our RO filter system. The view is the sunrise over Whale Pass Bay. Put it all together and it is hard to beat.
My morning cup is a blend of melted glacier ice cut with the tears of emotionally distraught grizzly bears in a cryogenically sculpted diamond mug, stirred at an rpm of 50, with Stalin’s straight razor.

The beans are usually artificially flavored hazelnut. Medium roast. Either that or whatever brand is that green can on sale at Albertsons.

Add a little powdered French Vanilla Creamer and you have achieved the summit of coffee’s Mt. Everest.
Add a little of Pablo Escobar’s finest bespoke house blend to your cup and I think you would really be cooking with gas.
We don’t have a fancy machine, but I do get whole roasted beans from a local roaster, Verena roaster, in Dubuque. I dred thinking about going somewhere and having to drink gas station coffee or Folgers. It just tastes like burnt water after you drink fresh local coffee.

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