Code Word needed in case we meet IRL


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
After determining MtnElk and I may have crossed paths in Canada last Summer, I feel like we need a way of identifying other HT'ers when we meet them in the wild. I was fortunate that I recognized Oak at the Wild Sheep show a few years ago, and he introduced me to a few other HT guys. Even Randy/BigFin.

  • Upside down Pineapples is already taken....
  • And I don't think putting stickers our handles on our vehicles will work, given the Pucky/Freak/Beaver renaming mess that seems to go on here.
  • HT stickers is just asking to get your truck broken into while travelling.

After determining MtnElk and I may have crossed paths in Canada last Summer, I feel like we need a way of identifying other HT'ers when we meet them in the wild. I was fortunate that I recognized Oak at the Wild Sheep show a few years ago, and he introduced me to a few other HT guys. Even Randy/BigFin.

  • Upside down Pineapples is already taken....
  • And I don't think putting stickers our handles on our vehicles will work, given the Pucky/Freak/Beaver renaming mess that seems to go on here.
  • HT stickers is just asking to get your truck broken into while travelling.

Just shout, "Right in the fuggin head" a lot.
Though if not a hunt talker it could get uncomfortable.

A simple "Hunt Talk Man Lives" should be sufficient and permeate the consciousness of even the quietist of folks on this forum
It should be said like a question…Hunt Talk Man Lives?….

The required answer by the second party to confirm fellow HT member status is one of those famous one liners. Some might go with “right in the fuggin head”, or “shoot, shovle and shut up” while the more adventurous among us might go with “show us ur …………………!”