Caribou Gear Tarp

Co gmu 28


New member
Oct 23, 2017
My brother and I are Planning our first elk hunting trip out west! I've been doing all the research and think I have narrowed it down to unit 28 for archery. Anyone ever hunted it? I see that it gets a lot of hunters but there are also some wilderness. Trying to decide if we should stay at one of the campgrounds or hike in towards the Byers peak wilderness and Backcountry camp. My thoughts are if we Backcountry camp we would be stuck to the Byers peak area. And if we stayed at a campground might be easier to change areas if needed. The South fork river looked like a good place to try also. I have only been doing E- Scouting. Anyone have any history hunting this unit that would be willing to give any advice? Thanks!!
I haven't hunted it yet but I scouted it a few weeks ago and the area you're referring to was steep steep steep timber. I personally decided on hiking further in and my tag is 2nd rifle.
I hunted in 28 a few years back with an OTC tag. There are a lot of Wilderness areas up that way, with a lot of ground you can cover. I would imagine during archery season you will deal with some of the general public using the areas to camp and hike. That being said, when I was up that way I didn't run into another person, but I also didn't run into any elk. I did come across two of the biggest bull moose I have ever seen.

I hunted primarily outside of Granby and back towards Fraser. My opinion, for what it is worth, I wouldn't backpack in. There are so many different wilderness areas to take advantage of, so being mobile comes in handy. That being said, if you are able to get out and scout prior to the season you might be able to pick out some areas that are worth being stuck in.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I'll do my best to help!
There is a lot of beetle kill in that area. I have not been back there in five or six years but I would expect a lot of dead standing timber and a lot of blow down too. Be careful where you set your camp so you don't have a tree blow over on your tent. If I was going back I would stay mobile rather than pack into the wilderness, unless you had some local intel or prescout. Good luck on your trip!

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