Caribou Gear

Camping Low, Hunting High Help


New member
Jun 15, 2014
I am backpack Elk hunting soon and am looking for advice on where to set up a minimal night camp (pop up, sleet, take down, hunt). My goal is to get as far away from easy access and other hunters as I can. All the ideal campsites are lower in elevation and probably "ideal". If I am on a multi-day backpack hunt in the mountains what things might I consider when selecting a campsite from the night to maximize my effectiveness.

I suspect Elk come up the valley. If I am at the far end of the valley 3-4 miles away is that going to kill my chances?

Any advice is much appreciated.
Don't know where you're going to hunt, or where you're from, but you might want to take into consideration what the weather and backcountry conditions are? I just posted pics of what it's like here in Southern Colorado, with the 18 degree temps and 4" snow on this Oct. 10th. We traditionally have much milder weather than central and northern parts of Colorado, so just be advised to pack in and camp out in the backcountry, it might be plenty chilly, and the backpack hunters will be spending quite a few hours in their tents this time of year. On a brighter note, the visibility and tracking snow will be awesome for the actual hunting.
If you are hunting with camp on your back, you camp where the elk are, whether it be low or high.
Agree with vanish. I've spent plenty of nights .5-1 mile from the bulls I'm chasing and had no issues. Don't worry so much about your campsite and just tuck in somewhere that conceals your tarp, tent, etc. and keep noise to a minimum.
+2 for vanish, worked well for us this year, as always be very sensitive to wind/thermals.
Really gotta be there in the that country to know whats best suited and able to give advice. Id hunt with camp or where I know elk are and plan my camp accordingly to where I think the elk will be at night.

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