Camo or not, that is the question


New member
Mar 10, 2001
Breckenridge, TX
How many of ya'll use full camo or none at all?????????? Why or why not??????????

Personally, I don't use any, not really needed at night. In the daytime am usually settin in the middle of a mesquite bush anyway and long as ya don't move to sudden like, don't seem to matter to much.

Pecos.. depending on were I am hunting and for what will depend on if I wear camo or not...
In my experiance I can get yotes, and fox's with in 20 yards with out camo wearing light colored t-shirts... With camo I have them walk right up ontop of me... I think if you sit still with non-camo you can get them closer but if you move then the outline of a t-shirt apears in there eyes... where as with camo when you move it looks like a few bushes moving or leaves...

I wear as much camo as possible when i am calling. Mostly army surplus fatigues and a coat that matches the surrounding terrain. Maybe coyotes and foxes can't pick you up, but crows,hawks,turkeys, and deer will. You're way better off if nothing knows that you're there. That way all the woodland critters are going about their normal business and the coyote that's coming up to your call will feel at ease to come right in. Plus it scares the heck out of the deer hunters when they sneak up on 200 pound distressed rabbit dressed up like a big bush. ;)
When I am calling I always wear full cammo. These dogs around here seem to have the vision of turkeys.
I have tried to go without cammo and got busted both times, so now I go full including the a head net and gloves.
I agree 100% with snite, full camo, especially if your hand calling, stand back and watch your buddy work is call bare handed you might as well put up a neon sign, incoming varmints expect to see movement, after all something is gettin ate right? but not human skin.. just my experience h2m
I have never had any luck when hunt'n without camo. Now I always wear camo when I hunt but I still hide as good as I can because camo isn't a cure all, but I know it has made a diferance for me.

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