Called in my first elk!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
I know this is nothing for most of you experienced folks, but all fun and new to me! wife and I went out after work yesterday for first day of archery. She wanted a treestand on a travel corridor that had consistent pictures a couple weeks ago and still has good sign. She saw squat. Though we were out of there just before sunset for other reasons.

Anyway, I left her in the tree, circled away and up the hill behind her along that ridge about 1/2 mile and started calling. I had been randomly quietly and sporadically cow calling as I walked, then I found a spot with lots of tree rubs, fresh tracks and fresh droppings. So I stood by a tree and did some cow calls, followed by a "weak" bugle, sort of a lazy bull bugle.

Then I stood still for about 45 seconds and heard a branch snap behind me so looked. There at 25 yards and closing was the cutest little spike bull coming in looking! Had him broadside between 15-20 yards for about 5 minutes, got pictures and video. but, unfortunately I have a cow tag! Even have him on video looking around while I cow called to see what he'd do (he reallly didn't react, which surprised me). When he finally got bored he trotted off 50-60 and I ripped off a bugle and he stopped and looked back!

Learned a HUGE lesson though: I walked in with my bow in a sling over my shoulder and my brain must have cramped cause that's where it was with an elk standing there at 20 yards broadside. I was mad at myself but only slightly since I couldn't shoot, until.....I heard another branch snap. I never saw the source but had a cow walked up I would have been stuck.

Picked my wife up at her tree later and while walking the 1/2 mile to the truck we heard a bugle! Was a ways off but we heard one! She smiled.
I still vividly remember my first one. I was about to give up on archery hunting after a week of silence and only one cow seen in my first season, when I sat down with my back against a tree and blew a few cow calls. A good 6x6 came straight out of the spruces a few yards away and nearly stepped on my outstretched legs, I couldn't draw my bow without busting him, it scared the crap out of me and I held as still as i could until he walked off, and now I'm hooked on archery hunting :)
My first time to I called in a spike. He bugled so hi pitched. I thought he was 40 yards away but NOPE. The arrow went cleanly over his back. This weekend I'm taking my son out to camp. He's 14 he got his buck already with his recurve. I simply enjoy watching him be happy.
A sudden rush when that bugle sounds off...and the ground they can cover when they are hot for teacher! To steal a Van Halen lyric.

Grats - you're are now hooked! :)
The first elk I called in came in without a sound. It felt like I was wasting my time until he showed up out of nowhere. Now I get excited to call even if I don't hear anything in return.

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