Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Caffeine Withdrawal

I always did the French Press in camp before but cleaning the grounds was a pain.

I found a manual pump Keurig on-line and we had that in elk camp this year. It worked out great. Boil water, pour and push down on the pump. Done...

I had a coleman 12 cup drip brew machine, but it took so long to brew a pot versus what you can brew with a perc or french press, it wasn't worth the space and weight it took up to keep bringing it to camp. My God, the thing brewed slow....but it brewed good coffee :cautious:
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I love good black coffee and I love Pepsi but about 3 months ago I gave up all caffeine as I realized it was making my anxiety disorder worse. :( a sad day for sure but it all works out I reckon.
I used to have an energy drink every morning at work when I got there. Did that for around a year. Quite this year and it feels good to just drink water and have a pop occasionally. Saves quite a bit of money too!
I love coffee, but every now and again I try to take a few days off just to make sure I'm not addicted. I've traded out coffee for green tea a couple days a week, which still has caffeine albeit much less. My sister just gave me a Nuun tablet that had about half the caffeine as a cup of coffee and was quite nice. It's good there are some alternatives out there that don't have quite the impact of coffee.
Not a soda drinker, but love coffee. One in the morning, that’s it- used to drink it in the afternoon but it messes with my sleep and I felt like it made me a little intense. Any more than one and I get jittery, don’t like the feeling.

I did a “brain cleanse” last year, gave up alcohol and caffeine completely- headaches/fog for a few days, but got better and then I actually did feel calmer/more relaxed. But it was a trade off, a little less firepower in the am and I love the taste so I started drinking it again. The booze moratorium had way more upside, felt great. I still drink some but way less than a few years ago. It was making me fat more than anything.
My wife and I did the Whole 30 Diet starting Jan 1. You can’t have any processed sugars. We both gave up sodas. She was drinking at least a six pack of Diet Coke a day. I didn’t give up coffee. I have one large cup in the mornings and that’s all the caffeine that I get for the day. I’m proud of her for quitting Diet Coke. That stuff is terrible for you.
I hate feeling dependant on anything. 1 or 2 cups of black coffee most mornings but I try to take 3 or 4 days off from it about once a month. Pretty good test to see if I'm starting to depend on it.
I intentionally take a few days off from coffee each month. Whether it prevents withdrawals or not, I'm not sure, but I don't experience withdrawals when I'm without coffee. My theory is that by regularly taking days off, I don't develop dependence on it. My regular coffee each morning is a single cup, brewed very strongly with a moka pot. When camping, I usually just make cowboy coffee, but I've been trying different types of instant coffees to see if I can find a good one.
I have quit sugar and stopped drinking alcohol for 2 years now, if I have to give up my coffee what is the point of living?

I have to have some kind of bad habit, I would feel stupid laying there dying of nothing.


I can relate to smokers who grab for their shirt pocket for years after quitting. Think I'm enamored with the ritual and smell more than the taste or effect of coffee.
I can relate to smokers who grab for their shirt pocket for years after quitting. Think I'm enamored with the ritual and smell more than the taste or effect of coffee.

I still can't walk past a cold case without looking longingly... I used to purchase a flat a week.
I can relate to smokers who grab for their shirt pocket for years after quitting. Think I'm enamored with the ritual and smell more than the taste or effect of coffee.

I spent 6 years in the Army and coffee was sometimes the only thing I looked forward to. I have cut down on my daily intake of coffee but quitting coffee has not had to enter my mind, yet. I have become one of those bad coffee snobs who cannot drink Folgers and has to fresh grind the beans to my exacting standards or as my dad tells me, "You are just citified".

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