Bush Mocks Kerry


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Nov 28, 2001
U.S. National - AP

Bush Mocks Kerry Claim of Foreign Backing
Sun Mar 21, 4:17 AM ET Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

By NANCY BENAC, Associated Press Writer

ORLANDO, Fla. - President Bush used the first rally of his re-election campaign to cast Democrat John Kerry on Saturday as a serial tax-raiser who has voted for tax increases 350 times. He also mocked Kerry's claims of support from undisclosed foreign leaders.

Bush took note of Kerry's proposals to expand health care, education and other domestic programs while still cutting in half the deficit. Kerry, the president, said, has promised more than he can pay for.

"He's going to have to pay for it somehow," Bush told thousands of cheering supporters at the Orange County Convention Center. "It's pretty clear how he's going to fill the tax gap — he's going to tax all of you. Fortunately, you're not going to give him that chance."

Bush, on his 20th visit to Florida as president, could not have picked a more crucial location in a more crucial state for his first big rally of the 2004 campaign.

In 2000, it was only after the Supreme Court ended Florida ballot recounts that Bush was able to seal his victory in the state — by a mere 537 votes — and thus claim the presidency. The state is a battleground once again this election, and central Florida is critical to deciding which way it will go.

There were a few voices both inside and outside the convention center to counter the support Bush received. A half-dozen anti-Bush college students were escorted from the hall before the president arrived despite holding tickets for the event and three more people were forced out after chanting "No more Bush" as the president made his way across the stage. About 80 protesters demonstrated outside, many gripping red balloons pointing out the expanding national debt under Bush's watch.
This is a ground swell against Bush if I've ever seen it....80....LMAO :D

Amplifying the message of his first wave of negative campaign ads, Bush said Kerry has voted in support of tax increases 350 times during his nearly two decades in Congress, including a 50-cent boost in the gasoline tax.

"He wanted you to pay all that money at the pump and wouldn't even throw in a free car wash," Bush declared.

"We're beginning to see a pattern here," Bush said. "Senator Kerry is one of the main opponents of tax relief in the United States Congress. However, when tax increases are proposed, it's a lot easier to get a yes vote out of him."

Bush faulted Kerry for voting against tax breaks for some married couples and families with children and for an expansion of the 10 percent tax bracket, as well as other pieces of the tax cut bills enacted under Bush.

Kerry has proposed a health care plan that has been estimated to cost about $900 billion over 10 years. His campaign has not laid out how that plan would be paid for.

First lady Laura Bush, making a rare introduction of her husband, reminisced about their first — losing — campaign for Congress, in 1978. She noted that things have changed since the days when they canvassed for votes in an old Chevy.

"By the end of the campaign, he even convinced me to vote for him and so far he hasn't given me any reason to change my mind," she joked.

Bush used his speech to jab at Kerry on two other counts: his vote against an $87 billion aid plan for Iraq and Afghanistan, and his claim that some foreign leaders would prefer to see Kerry win the election.

On the foreign aid, Bush mocked Kerry's awkward explanation that "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."

Bush read aloud the quote, then declared: "That sure clears things up, doesn't it?"

"His answers aren't always clear but the voters will have a very clear choice in this campaign."

As for Kerry's claim that foreign leaders would prefer a Kerry White House, the president told the crowd, "That's OK, I'm not too worried, because I'm going to keep my campaign right here in America."

Kerry has said that to identify the leaders would betray confidences. But a campaign statement said he is neither seeking nor accepting the endorsements of foreign leaders.

Democrats signaled their intention to fight for every Florida vote in a Miami news conference on the eve of Bush's visit.

"I wish the president would spend some more time in central Florida and speak to people other than his most loyal supporters, because he needs to hear that his misguided policies are hurting people," said Sen. Bob Graham.

The president spent about two hours in Florida before returning to Washington.

This cutting and pasteing stuff is so easy!!! ;)

Any idea why Cheney and Bush won't name the people who wrote their Energy Policy, and why it is now headed to the Supreme Court?

Any idea why Dubya won't name the names of the person who leaked the names of the CIA guy? And why there are now subpeonas for the phone records of Air Force One?
"He's going to have to pay for it somehow," Bush told thousands of cheering supporters at the Orange County Convention Center. "It's pretty clear how he's going to fill the tax gap — he's going to tax all of you. Fortunately, you're not going to give him that chance."
I've got an honest question here. Not trying to bash, but I'm curious how Dubya is going to pay for this war? How is HE going to fill the tax gap? Who is going to ultimately pay for this war? I always thought that it would be the taxpayers in the end, but Bush is suggesting here that it is not the case. So maybe I've misunderstood the issue. Can anyone explain it to me? :confused:

There were a few voices both inside and outside the convention center to counter the support Bush received. A half-dozen anti-Bush college students were escorted from the hall before the president arrived despite holding tickets for the event and three more people were forced out after chanting "No more Bush" as the president made his way across the stage. About 80 protesters demonstrated outside, many gripping red balloons pointing out the expanding national debt under Bush's watch.
This is a ground swell against Bush if I've ever seen it....80....LMAO
Elkchsr, I think maybe the anti-Bush crowd was concentrating it's effort in places they wouldn't be kicked out for voicing a negative opinion. What do you think? From the last 24hrs:

"War protesters carrying banners and pounding drums gathered on the city's Michigan Avenue Saturday before marching through downtown to mark the one year anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq."

"Hundreds of war protesters marched for peace across Colorado on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq."

"Chanting "bring our troops home" and "Drop Bush, not bombs," hundreds of people turned out at an anti-war protest Saturday in Milwaukee to mark the one-year anniversary of the war in Iraq."

"Above the blare of honking in support of either the international day of protest anti-war demonstration or the American flag-waving pro-troop activists, an old, familiar tune could be heard Saturday afternoon at the Benton County Courthouse."

"A sea of Italian anti-war demonstrators took to the streets of Rome on Saturday demanding that their government withdraw its troops from Iraq, while other demonstrators throughout Europe and around the world staged rallies to mark the one-year anniversary of the American-led invasion."

"Protesters filled more than a dozen police-lined blocks in Manhattan Saturday, calling on President George W. Bush to bring home U.S. troops serving in Iraq. Mayor Michael Bloomberg estimated the crowd at about 30,000, but organizers said later that number had grown to more than 100,000. Police in riot gear walked calmly past barricades marking off the demonstration area."

"Ten organizations from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties participated in organizing Saturday's demonstration, which continued with a march for peace along Biscayne Boulevard. Most of the almost 250 protesters carried serious messages accusing the United States of fighting for oil and big business, and one table had people lined up to register to vote."

And (oh my goodness!) in Dubya's own state!

"On Saturday in the town where the nation's commander in chief makes his home away from Washington, Vee followed his conscience.

At 70, the lifelong military man joined in his first anti-war march, walking solemnly from Tonkawa Park toward the only Crawford intersection with a traffic light. With his left hand, the Austin-area resident carried a front corner of an empty flag-draped casket.

The casket, Vee said, represented the more than 560 American soldiers who have died in the war that President Bush ordered one year and one day ago with the allied attack on Iraq.

"This war was a mistake; it was unnecessary," said Vee, one of an estimated 800 people who turned out for a day of rallies, songs and speeches in this tiny Central Texas town near Waco. "And I say that as a conservative Republican. We shouldn't be in this war."

You guy's are to funny....Gunner, I didn't see any thing in the article I posted on any of the questions you ask....Your the brainy one here, and it wouldn't matter what I posted, you would find things wrong with it any way, I didn't write the article, I only cut and pasted it to add a "little" balance on all of your cut and pastes, this is what your looking for on some of your answeres isn't it? Or are you just so disatisfied with the presidential contest at hand. Fortunatly the little bit of negative diatribe you constantly put out will have no effect on the outcome of the future. I am really glad I don't have to run thru life with such a heavy chip on my shoulder!!!
Hmmmm.... Elkchsr, it was you who posted the article, that I doubt you even read, that had Bush mocking Kerry for not "naming names". Don't you think your President should at least be able to "name names" of the Oil Execs that wrote his engergy policy, without us having to go to the Supreme Court to get him to?

How come you can't answer Oak, he really schooled you on that one...
The misguided masses are out beating drums, they've been doing it for a long time, there is alway's some thing they have to have a cause for. If you want to put it in percentages, in any of these areas that there are protests going on, there are millions of people and only a few hundred showed up, except the Manhatten group, they made a good showing, but this is in a place where liberalism abounds and a president that is not Democrate doesn't fit. As for the places around the world that are up in arms, fortunately they have no vote here... ;) , of course it is hard to say if that would matter any way. I have been watching the news here for Montana and haven't seen one protest march, maybe I didn't catch the right news.
Elkchsr, you support the war, right? When was the last time you went to a pro-war rally? They have those too, you know. Do you think every person against the war was at a rally this weekend?

Montana protests (I know the numbers weren't high, but they exist in Montana, too.):

"HELENA – About 60 people gathered at the State Capitol on Friday to mourn the loss of human life in Iraq and to push for a “regime change” in the U.S. government."

"While a dozen Purple Heart veterans polished a marble monument in their honor Saturday afternoon, about 100 people held a rally for peace on the Yellowstone County Courthouse lawn."

I asked a simple question, Elkchser. If Dubya says he's not going to raise taxes, how is he going to pay for the war? Who will pay for it?

Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
As for the places around the world that are up in arms, fortunately they have no vote here... ;) , of course it is hard to say if that would matter any way.
Of course, they do have a vote in their own country, and as of the Spanish election last week, Dubya seems to be a liability.... :rolleyes:
This is the third election of a major ally in which the party running against George Bush won. Look at Germany in '02, South Korea in '03, and now Spain. The message is: If you want to get re-elected, don't go to Crawford. Bush is a political liability -- in Europe, in particular. His foreign policy has trampled on the European views and it's now resulting in the election of governments that do not support his approach.

I'll answer your question about how Dubya is going to pay for his war. He can either pay for it with taxes, or he can invade another country, with high foreign currency reserves. I am not sure who has a spare $580 Billion dollars, but maybe Dubya will just decide to invade 12 countries with $50 billion, instead of one country with the whole amount....
"I asked a simple question, Elkchser. If Dubya says he's not going to raise taxes, how is he going to pay for the war? Who will pay for it?"

That is so very simple....He won't pay for it, we will, along with all of the other things we pay for, so what's your point?
Wars pretty much pay for themselves through the shifts in supply and demand curves for munitions, hardware, expendable vehicles, and the services required to support the manufacture, maintenance, and delivery systems of these assets. Wars create jobs and move private industry capital into the public sector allowing additional access to private money without taxation. Of course the increases in jobs in the private sector expand the tax base as well. Public services usually do not create capital; rather debt which must be paid by some means by the tax payer or citizen. I think that in the case of Iraq; that the Hussein assets will be seized to pick up part of the tab and that Free Iraq will be expected to pony up a large part of the total expense as well. Shouldn't be too tough given the extensive oil assets they have available to them.
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