Brand new to Antelope hunting.


New member
Apr 20, 2020
First time public land and Antelope Hunter. Trying to pic a unit in Wyoming for 2 points. The few threads I’ve read on this forum suggest that the Antelope on the large HMA seem to be quite skittish and hard to move on. Would it be more advantageous to look for units with sparatic public land where animals can’t be chased far do to limited space. Is it better to not look for large blocks but maybe checker board and cover more ground? Any help would be appreciated thanks.
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With 2 points you’re gonna have to look in the eastern portion of the state in my opinion. Finding antelope on public land isn’t challenging. Even in the mile “postage stamp” squares of state land you’ll find them. They are literally everywhere But you will work for it. You may consider shelling out a few $$ and doing a trespass hunt to make things more comfortable for a first hunt. You’ll have to get on the phone and start calling around. I think $300-$500/ gun would be expected for an antelope in Wyoming. Don’t wait too long most guys rebook from the previous years and most land owners have limits. Good luck
Welcome aboard. First, you should probably specify if you plan on the regular or special draw - it makes a difference. Since you didn’t specify, I’ll suggest the special draw. Second, I would read a lot more than a few threads on here. Read through a lot of old threads and utilize the search function. I’m sure you can find the answers to your questions directly or indirectly through the info already here. Third, it doesn’t really matter if there are large sections or small sections of public, especially early in the season, antelope are going to get pushed. My personal preference is to find a big block with primarily foot access for the public and walk. This way you’ll likely see less competition. Of course, you can kill them a stone’s throw from the interstate as well.

That said, look for the unit that has the most ACCESSIBLE pronghorn habitat that you can draw with two points in the special. I would project minimal if any point creep this year. Put in for a doe tag as well. If you’re willing to hike and hunt hard, you’ll have opportunities. Good luck and let us know how you do.
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Welcome to hunt Talk!

Like others have said, use the search feature, there is a ton of info on this site if you spend some time searching.

Good luck and welcome again!
With 2 points, especially in the special draw, you will have no issue in filling tags if you are able to hike a few miles and can shoot straight. If you are willing and able to pay a trespass fee then by all means but it is not necessary. If you have a subscription to Gohunt, that will help research units. If not, all the information is available on the Wyoming Game and Fish website. Randy did a YouTube video on how to select a unit that will get you on your way. If it were me, I'd go through the draw odds and make a list of units that can be drawn with 1 point or 0 points and omit those. (you don't want to burn 2 points on a unit you can draw with less). I'd then omit all the units you cannot draw with 2 points in the special draw. What you should be left with are only units that you can draw with 2 points in either the regular and special draw. From there, look for the best access/public land/HMA's and WIAs but any of the units should make for an enjoyable hunt.
With 2 points, especially in the special draw, you will have no issue in filling tags if you are able to hike a few miles and can shoot straight. If you are willing and able to pay a trespass fee then by all means but it is not necessary. If you have a subscription to Gohunt, that will help research units. If not, all the information is available on the Wyoming Game and Fish website. Randy did a YouTube video on how to select a unit that will get you on your way. If it were me, I'd go through the draw odds and make a list of units that can be drawn with 1 point or 0 points and omit those. (you don't want to burn 2 points on a unit you can draw with less). I'd then omit all the units you cannot draw with 2 points in the special draw. What you should be left with are only units that you can draw with 2 points in either the regular and special draw. From there, look for the best access/public land/HMA's and WIAs but any of the units should make for an enjoyable hunt.
Solid points, but also have to add to look at the draw history over the last few years and find one that has been a 2 point unit for a while, or it may be a 3 point unit this year. Its not too difficult to figure out once you get the hang of it.
The only thing I will add is in the special you have opportunities on some units for your second choice. That allows you to keep your points. There are some nice little spots in far eastern WY that I have yet to see another hunter on. We have killed antelope every year there. It just takes some work and Onxmaps.
First time, consider doe tags. Cheaper, more of them, and you can often hunt AFTER the buck hunters are gone. Give the pronghorn a week without the public land pressure of bullets flying every time they stick there head up, and they come back.
Solid points, but also have to add to look at the draw history over the last few years and find one that has been a 2 point unit for a while, or it may be a 3 point unit this year. Its not too difficult to figure out once you get the hang of it.
Yeah, good point. Try as I might, there is no denying creep.
"Skittish and hard to move on" LOL! 🤣 Welcome to Pronghorn hunting! You get out to Eastern Wyoming, shoot yourself a nice buck, then mount him! You will be glad you did that. The first buck will mean the most to you. Pronghorn huntin' is like eatin' potato chips. No body can shoot just one.

Welcome to the forum
Best advice given to me when i started Antelope hunting was to leave your gun in the case and give all your bullets to your hunting buddy (at least for the first day), if not you'll likely be done with your hunt in an hour.

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