"Blaze" the Bear

Don't think I'll throw my name in the hat...


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Scanned the first page of signatures,,,didn't see any Montana/Wyoming signatures.;)

Half of Yellowstone visitors aren't from the US, let alone local. Yellowstone is simultaneously the best and worst place on earth.

If I ever go back to Yellowstone its straight to the back country orientation office and straight to the trail head.
Man, we go from the Cecil the lion to a hiker that get killed by a bear. Now, we want to kill the bear because she killed the hiker. Why would we seek revenge on the bear (who was protecting her cubs). Does society what all wild creatures to conform to domestic norms? I am all for protecting the bear but I am completely against the naming of wild animals.
Man, we go from the Cecil the lion to a hiker that get killed by a bear. Now, we want to kill the bear because she killed the hiker. Why would we seek revenge on the bear (who was protecting her cubs). Does society what all wild creatures to conform to domestic norms? I am all for protecting the bear but I am completely against the naming of wild animals.

Really? Why would we want to remove an animal that has killed and eaten a human? That is part of a population that has surplus animals?
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This is the quote from a park official that some folks aren't noticing.

"That bear didn't just attack and leave. A bear attacked and consumed part of him," Bartlett said. "We can't have a bear that feeds on humans."

Unless some of the folks on the petition want to volunteer to be part of the food supply.
I get the Yellowstone Park page on Facebook. A while back there were several people that were vehemently against bear spray. Their logic was that we should assume the risk and never hurt a bear because we were entering their territory "without their permission." Oblivious they were to the fact that a dead bear is often the result of an attack.
The stupidity of the comments on that petition site was both hilarious and then I remember that they breed and vote. I laughed out loud at the one that said the sow was protesting her cubs. Man, what a crappy mother to protest your own cubs! Wonder what her picket sign said?

Or the one that said YP should close down the sow's "area" cuz she has cubs! Okay folks, YP is now closed!

Or the one who said this wouldnt stop this from happening again! Well, yeah, I think killing them pretty much stops them from eating any more hikers.
What about all the idiots that get gored and trampled by buffalo trying to get a pic with them. Do they track down and kill that buffalo. No they just say that person just got too close to the buffalo.
Well it's the same thing with bears, if you get too close something bad may happen. Especially one with cubs.
As a long time park employee they should have known better.
What about all the idiots that get gored and trampled by buffalo trying to get a pic with them. Do they track down and kill that buffalo. No they just say that person just got too close to the buffalo.
Well it's the same thing with bears, if you get too close something bad may happen. Especially one with cubs.
As a long time park employee they should have known better.

So you think he got to close on purpose? Maybe he was trying to get a selfie with the bear like the idiots do with buffalo?

I'm guessing he surprised the bear and it attacked to defend it's cubs. If the bear walked away after the attack they wouldn't be killing the bear. The reason they are killing the bear is because it partially ate the guy and cached the rest for later.
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