Yeti GOBOX Collection

"Blaze" the Bear

Put her down. She's mean. She had blood coming out of her eyes and wherever..
This thread sucks, I thought this was going to be about working out with Mtn Ops.

What about all the idiots that get gored and trampled by buffalo trying to get a pic with them. Do they track down and kill that buffalo. No they just say that person just got too close to the buffalo.
Well it's the same thing with bears, if you get too close something bad may happen. Especially one with cubs.
As a long time park employee they should have known better.

They don't usually put down bears that attack if they were defending their cubs or their food cache. That is a normal response. Same with bison. What made this one different is that it fed on the person so the bear may associate humans with an easy meal.
My daughter just had her first examination with the Orthodontist,..we were quoted a total cost(not including teeth pulled by dentist,of course) of roughly 10k.So I got a local dentist stockpiling some funds, he just needs all the cats from Greenhorns neighborhood for bait.:D
The petition was started by bears.

Everybody be on alert, call the oathkeepers, III%'ers and militias. The bears can type.
Or the one that said YP should close down the sow's "area" cuz she has cubs! Okay folks, YP is now closed!

To be fair, it's common practice for Yellowstone to close down areas in which bears, wolves, moose, and other animals potentially dangerous to humans take up short-term residence in order to protect both the wildlife and people. The USFS will close down campgrounds and other areas that the public frequents as well if animals are either becoming habituated or have young. It protects the animals from idiocy and vice versa.

I don't necessarily think the dude who got killed was an idiot. He'd been working in YNP and hiking there for years, and it is possible to surprise a grizzly, especially in the type of dense new growth forest they have in that area of the park. I've hiked a bunch out there and close encounters of the bear kind are pretty much imminent in most places in the park, if not all.

With the population of grizz in the GYE rising (I think they're at over 800 bears that are counted now?) and the inability to get these guys delisted & managed, it only seems to make sense that there would be more human/bear encounters and that some bears would have to be taken out of the equation because of this.

But I think it's also important to recognize that on average there is one mauling per year by any kind of bear in Yellowstone, and, since 1986, only three people have been killed in the actual park by bears, among the 3 million people visiting each yr. To be fair to the bears, they put up with a lot of stupidity. I watched a dude just last summer chasing a giant boar grizz and after he finally came back to the roadside after multiple people yelling at him his excuse was that he "thought it was just a black bear".

The parks put down multiple bears each yr for being dangerously habituated, they just don't tend to make the news, and in this case I'd say they're within the boundaries of caution to euth two bears that have actually hurt and consumed part of an actual human, when they euth bears on the reg who have become habituated due to tourists being assholes and not properly hanging their food or even worse--feeding the bears themselves.

I actually read somewhere that they're planning on euthing mom and sending the cub to a zoo? Anybody else catch that anywhere?
I actually read somewhere that they're planning on euthing mom and sending the cub to a zoo? Anybody else catch that anywhere?

That article also said that there is limited capacity at zoos for grizz right now so placement is not very likely. What that article didn't say is that there aren't very many zoo keepers that want a cub that likely participated in eating a dude. I would say the likelihood of getting one placed is less than 1%.
To be fair, it's common practice for Yellowstone to close down areas in which bears, wolves, moose, and other animals potentially dangerous to humans take up short-term residence in order to protect both the wildlife and people. The USFS will close down campgrounds and other areas that the public frequents as well if animals are either becoming habituated or have young. It protects the animals from idiocy and vice versa.

I realize they do that from time to time, but that I certainly didnt take the comment that way. I dont believe the commenter had a very accurate idea of a bear's "area" as there is no indication that it was knonw that this bear was taking up short term residence or becoming habituated.
I realize they do that from time to time, but that I certainly didnt take the comment that way. I dont believe the commenter had a very accurate idea of a bear's "area" as there is no indication that it was knonw that this bear was taking up short term residence or becoming habituated.

Fair point. Emotional internet protesters are the actual worst. I work in social media and have to consistently renew my faith in humanity after being on the internet all day and reading what people write. Usually though, I just go out and hike it out of my system. So I guess I renew my faith in humanity by getting away from it?

I did think this was interesting, it's the description of the trail that he was mauled on:

It ends with this piece of info: The Elephant Back area is a favored location for grizzly bears, a factor that sometimes forces closure of the trail in early summer, and the danger of bear encounters is reinforced by three separate cautionary notices at the beginning of the path.