Bizarre Day

ida homer

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
Boise, Idaho
We have been scouting and hunting the Sawtooth Zone a lot this year. My buddy Michael was hunting in unit 34 two Sundays ago exploring a new spot for elk. Long story short he saw 3 wolves, but no elk. They were about 100 yards away and all he had was a 44 mag and his bow. He wounded a large gray one (yes I know that's a long shot for a 44) and searched for it all day, to no avail.

Last Wednesday we went back to hunt his honey hole where they have taken a few bulls. The night before we left I told him that we should grab his rifle, and that I would carry it since I sent my rifle into Savage for warranty. Michael told me that we won't see a wolf and all they have ever seen were elk there, being their best elk spot. So we decided against driving across town to get his rifle.

Wouldn't you know it, we didn't hear a peep from any elk that morning. WTH! At our first glassing spot, I found a really light colored gray wolf down in the bottom of this dried up creek bed eating on an elk calf 500 yards below us. Once again, we were caught with our pants down with no rifle and a wolf within rifle range 2 trips in a row. Where the wolf was eating was perfect for a stalk, even to get into range for the only firearm we had (44 mag). We quickly closed the distance to 50 yards. There was thick brush in between us and the creek bed, the wind was in our favor and we were in a good spot to get closer.

As I started to move down and even closer I hear crunch, crunch. I look up and opposite us on the far hillside was a monster chocolate bear at 50 yards. The biggest bear I've seen this year. It was moving down towards the wolf and me. Suddenly the wolf bolts out, stops and sits down like a dog waiting for it's turn to feed (just like the fox 50 yards to my left) 100 yards to our right, and down wind. As soon as it caught our wind it left the area in a hurry.

Well, I still have a bear tag in my pocket and a bruiser 20 yards from me eating on this elk. I kept maneuvering back and forth to try to get a clear shot through the brush. At one point I was even within 10 yards. The bear had no idea I was there, it was pretty loud munching on the bones etc. Finally I found a clear shooting lane through the brush to this big boar at 20 yards. Clean miss. What?! How?! He didn't run, but he decided something wasn't right and starts walking back up hill towards where he came from. Because of brush I had no lanes for a follow up shot. He slowly walked into the thick timber and that was that.

Later in the day, a half mile up the draw we had a decent bull with 3 cows screaming at us. Got within 50 yards, but the timber was too thick and he hung up. He seemed pretty apprehensive about responding to our cow calls and bugles. Last but not least, a nice 5 point bull crossed the road 10 yards in front of us in Garden Valley on our way home. That doesn't happen during rifle season, oh well that's hunting! I won't be caught dead anywhere north of Boise without a rifle from now on. A great day none the less!
Pretty cool hunt; definitely would have rifle with me from now on! Hind site is 20/20 though .
A buddy of mine took an evening drive to check out an elk herd about a mile from his house last fall. No elk, and he'd killed a bull already, but a big, black wolf was in the hay field about 250 yards away. He didn't have a rifle. ALWAYS pack a rifle in wolf country. You never know. mtmuley
A buddy of mine took an evening drive to check out an elk herd about a mile from his house last fall. No elk, and he'd killed a bull already, but a big, black wolf was in the hay field about 250 yards away. He didn't have a rifle. ALWAYS pack a rifle in wolf country. You never know. mtmuley

Yeah I never thought I'd be that guy, caught without a rifle. We could have killed at least 2 wolves and a bear so far this year had we nutted up and dealt with carrying the extra 8 pound rifle while archery hunting.

Growing up here camping, backpacking and hunting, this is the first year I've ever seen a wolf. I WILL have a hero shot with a predator for you guys this Fall.
It's a PITA, but I always carry my rifle back to a kill site when making more than one trip. mtmuley
One for the memory banks for sure! Good luck getting a bull or wolf this next week/weekend assuming you are heading up.
One for the memory banks for sure! Good luck getting a bull or wolf this next week/weekend assuming you are heading up.

Thanks, congrats on your bull Baerman. Heading up Wednesday and Sunday this week, this weather forecast is pretty wild for September.

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