Big Doe Down


New member
Jan 31, 2001
medina, new york
I went out this morning with my son. After 2 hrs in the stand we decidided to take a walk around. We cut some new tracks in the fresh 4" of snow and I had him swing around in front to try and push the deer back to me. Here is where is gets good, I am watching him around 75 yrds in front of me. I see him throw something and then he yells "dad", I whistle thinking he was lost and he yells "dad" again. I am watching this whole thing and then he yells "DEER, dad a deer." then I see him take off running and he yells "its coming right to you". And sure enough it did and I was able to get her. I asked him when we met up what he was doing? what happened? he says, I was walking through and I saw a rock. I walked closer and thought it me be a deer so I threw a stick at it. I yelled for you and then I ran to push it to you, I did't want it to run the other way. When I saw this deer, it wasn't acting like it was in any big hurry to get away from the little guy chasing her. anyways, here is a pic of her from my chitty phone. This kid has been with me on all three deer kills this year.


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sweet looking horse doe. I had to cancle my hunt with my son this weekend due to the winter storm and road conditions but we will try to get out next weekend.