PEAX Equipment

Best Western State to Move to

You should consider Arizona. It has the most public land of any state in the lower 48. Booming economy in Phoenix. And some of the best hunting in the west. I grew up in Montana. Arizona is where it's at for me!
Good thought. I wouldn’t mind that climate after living in the northeast.
Don’t take it personal. If you checked the archive, you would see that during some stretches of time there are like 3 or 4 (or more) of these threads a week that get posted. The advice is the same, perhaps with the caveat that with the continuous influx of new people it’s getting harder to get tags and the hunting isn’t as good. The amount of growth per resident hunting opportunity isn't sustainable long term. Doesn’t really matter what state you pick...don’t expect draw odds and such to remain the way they’ve been.

Also, the locals do get tired of giving people advice about the long winters, wind, remoteness, lack of quality health care and job opportunities. But they move here anyway, then we listen to them complain ad nauseum about the long winters, wind, remoteness, health care, and job opportunities. If you really want to try a place out, come spend a week or two in January or February and imagine that for about 7-9 months, depending on the state.
Who was complaining? ;)
I hate to say it but think The-financial aspect of this gets under sold. Money does more for hunting opportunities then any draw system/opportunity system in the lower 48.
Its really essential to undertand the true cost of opportunities that have a financial downside over a length of time.
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You guys do realize that we have winter on the east coast, right? I lived in western Montana for a while and frankly, I think it's colder here. The climate is pretty much the same, but here the air has more moisture in it, makes it feel colder. That wind in Wyoming is real though...

To the OP, another vote for picking 2 or 3 states that would offer good hunting and then balancing with other factors, like jobs, culture, services, other opportunities, etc. to find the one.
You guys do realize that we have winter on the east coast, right? I lived in western Montana for a while and frankly, I think it's colder here. The climate is pretty much the same, but here the air has more moisture in it, makes it feel colder. That wind in Wyoming is real though...

To the OP, another vote for picking 2 or 3 states that would offer good hunting and then balancing with other factors, like jobs, culture, services, other opportunities, etc. to find the one.
Lived in VT for 4 years... ha... winter

No one gets snowed out of a 4th of July BBQ in Connecticut.
Winter may be an issue, but it's not the biggest concern I'd have if moving out here. mtmuley
Are you a bird hunter too? That's something to consider too. I don't bird hunt as much as I used to since they're pretty sparse here and I may start diverting big game hunting toward more upland birds if I can get to a place in life where having a bird dog is feasible.
I hunt migratory birds like snow geese and Canada’s but no upland birds (yet).
Lived in VT for 4 years... ha... winter

No one gets snowed out of a 4th of July BBQ in Connecticut.
Best I’ve done is get snowed out of a Memorial Day BBQ but that was in Lake Placid. Maybe it’ll just be a western summer home...
I hunt migratory birds like snow geese and Canada’s but no upland birds (yet).
Snow geese will eliminate quite a few states however field goose hunting, if you can get decent access, can be ok in areas.

Everyone brags about their winters, it's a matter of preparedness but I will say the wind has ruined more days than temp especially lately...the sun is out, weather station says 35 degrees then you get out of town and the wind is blowing 25mph. That's nature's psychological warfare right there.
Everyone brags about their winters....

inverse here, colorado winters are cute

it's almost too sunny, too mild; i crave cloudy snowy cold winters days, and they're kinda rare to be honest

i'm getting damn sick of sunny and 67 degrees on christmas day
Just my opinion, but I would never move somewhere based upon hunting. Been there, did that, backfired. Doesn't mean a damn thing when you have no money to do what you came to do, even if it is close and cheap. You mentioned you have a family, I would focus on growing and establishing a marketable career that will take care of you and your family. Let that take you were you need to go. Right/Wrong/Indifferent, hunting is becoming more expensive, and those with the most disposable income will have the greatest opportunity.
I hate to say it but think The-financial aspect of this gets under sold. Money does more for hunting opportunities then any draw system/opportunity system in the lower 48.
Its really essential to undertand the true cost of opportunities that have a financial downside over a length of time.

There are trade offs no matter which way a person decides to go. I made the move west nearing forty years ago, man time flies. Our income did take a hit for a period of time. Eventually thou, I was able to get a job that was comparable to what I was making when living in a large city. I longed every day when living in the city to be living in an area with less population density and much better hunting and fishing, instead of putting all of my hunting or fishing dreams into a few trips each year. The outdoors has been integral to my lifestyle since moving west. It might be fishing a famous trout stream any day that sounds fun. It might be taking a horseback ride in the mountains with a friend. It might be taking the dogs out and bird hunting for the day. It might be spending a week elk hunting with my brother. It all just flows with the seasons.

I have two good friends that held very prestigious jobs that made similar decisions. Each had their career trajectory altered. Both would do it again.

A person just has to know themselves. It is very likely that you won't make as much money as before. There are things you will need to leave behind. There is no way I can tell a person what decision to make. I do know that aside from marrying my wife, moving west was the biggest right decision I have ever made.
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