Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Ben's 2020 Semi-live hunt log

Tonight I made venison fajitas for dinner. And as an added bonus, my fajita meat was the heart from my buck. I have never had heart before and I have to say it was really good. It is nice and firm, but very tender. I'll make a point of saving the heart out of any deer I take in the future.

This is the recipe I go for, though skipping the peppers part and just doing the heart: https://honest-food.net/grilled-deer-heart-recipe/
I went out yesterday even though it was going to be 20-30 mph winds again. I need to make a mental note that I really don't like those conditions...

Anyway, I snuck down the quarry and I felt I was being very stealthy, but I couldn't see much moving around. So I sat under a tree for a few minutes and then I got a text message that I needed to call someone for a work thing. So I snuck back up the quarry to a spot I felt would be less intrusive to any wildlife if I were to be speaking. I took the call and then snuck back down into my spot under the tree.

I had a pretty good view to the south and west and I would have thought there would be turkeys and or deer movement as it would be in the lee of the south wind, but there was nothing.

I couldn't see to the north very well so I decided to do stand in front of a big double trunked tree were I could see better to the north. I left my bag and took my bow. It was only about 10 yards away at the mouth of the quarry.

So I am standing sentinel leaning my back against the tree and I am seeing nothing. I was thinking that if there was nothing in the woods, I should just head on over to some public ground and maybe explore. I was all set to turn around, grab my pack and leave but I looked to my left and I see a turkey and 10-11 of his brothers about 15 feet away.

Sadly, my little head movement was enough to pause their forward momentum and I was unable to lift my bow until they were out of range.... Frustrating because if I had just come in and found a good hide I might have had an opportunity at those birds, but exhilarating to have such a close encounter.

I decided to back out of the quarry and slip along the north edge of the woods to a spot that I figured the turkeys might come near before the end of the day. It was going to be just a few yards off of the game trail and I would be sitting on the ground, but I thought it might offer me enough concealment that I could be able to get a shot at a deer or a turkey if they should come along.

And then I picked up my phone because I was bored... I looked up to see a doe at about 10 yards.


Sadly, I knew I wasn't going to be able to get my bow ready in time so I just took a picture instead. She had no idea I was in the world which was super cool. I was hoping that a buck might come along that trail before sundown but all I saw were squirrels.

It was a bit of a let down that I could allow myself to be so unprepared twice, but those encounters were really cool. I have to remember that for the future I can't just assume there are no animals to hunt and then just give up. Must always act like there is something just out of sight and be ready for it to come my way.
I went out yesterday but it was a very slow morning. I saw a cottontail just before legal shooting light, which is kind of rare for this area.

I had heard turkeys at first light and they seemed very close, but I never saw them. At midday I got down out of the tree and then snuck down the quarry hoping to spot the turkeys or perhaps some deer moving around in the woods. I found a lot of fresh turkey sign in the quarry but there was nothing moving in the woods. I found a tree with a decent view and sat there for an hour or so slowly eating my lunch.

At one point I had a squirrel walk right up to me about 1 yard away trying to figure out what I was. I wish turkeys were as curious as squirrels...

But there was nothing moving so I decided to go back up the quarry and get to the northeast corner of the woods which gives a nice long view to the west. I was hoping that I would see the turkeys loafing out in the picked corner in the lee of the woods, but there was nothing to see.

So I slowly walked along the game trail just inside north edge of the woods until I got to the corner where the woods extend off to the north. I was hoping that the turkeys were maybe in the north block and from this point I should have been able to see them, but there was just nothing going on.

Now I should point out that many times I have seen deer bedded down on the west side of this block and so I thought I should scan along that edge to see if I could spot any deer. I was about 4 feet to the right of the game trail leaning against a big oak tree which unfortunately had a broken down old fence running along it. So I was unable to just slide around the trunk of the tree. Which would have been really nice.

As I looked to the west I see that there are about 7 or 8 deer headed directly toward me. they are about 90-100 yards away, but there is no place that I can really go.

I saw a really heavy bodied buck with an unbalanced rack. One side was very nice and the other side was just small and maybe 3 points. There was another buck I got a nice look at with a big rack, but his body looked a little slim.

I think there were three other bucks and then a spiky buck and then there were 3 does. They got about half way to me and the bucks all turned south and worked toward the south edge of the woods. The does kept coming my way. At one point I had a nice broad-side shot opportunity at 20 yards on one of the does. However at that same time I had another doe at 15 yards straight ahead of me and she was looking right at me.

I thought for sure she was going to stomp and blow, but then a squirrel ran up the tree I was leaning against and stopped RIGHT NEXT TO MY FACE. He started scolding the doe and the doe was significantly distracted by the squirrel to decide I must not exist, but she turned toward the other does and they headed towards the opening of the quarry. I would have tried to get a shot at one of them after she moved, but that was when the spiky circled around and started going to the north and I was pegged until he cleared out.

BY the time I could move the deer had all moved on and even though I thought they might come back around to my stand that evening I never saw them. Never saw the turkeys either.

It was a nice day to be in the woods and that was a great encounter. It might be a little bit before I can get back out to the woods though. We have a firearm season next weekend and then a muzzle loader season that next weekend so if I do go out it will be a vacation day midweek hunt.
Well Christmas came early for me.


The taxidermist called to say my Euro mount was ready. One of these days I will do my own but for now I am willing to spend the money to let a professional do it.

Regardless, I ran over and picked it up. Can't wait to do some woodworking to display it. I have a plan in mind, but that will probably wait until spring before I get started on it.

In active hunting news, I am taking Tuesday off of work to get out for an all day hunt. Hoping that the deer will be hunkered down in the little section of woods I hunt after a weekend of being harassed by shotgun hunters. I'll let you know how it goes.
Tuesday was an exciting hunt. Ultimately, I did not come home with any game, but the action was very intense.

I actually saw a turkey roosted about 50 yards away as the sun rose. That was exciting and there were a bunch more that I could hear as they flew down. I decided I didn't want to be in the stand when I could hear they were on the ground near the mouth of the quarry so I got down and headed to where I thought I would be able to ambush them.

And it worked out just the way I wanted. I was within 40-50 yards of them across a little draw full of brush. I watched them for about 45 minutes work back and forth east and west. At one point I had one about 20 yards away on my side of the draw and I was considering a slight move to get a shot, but he dropped back into the brush before I could get there. And then I had 3 headed pop up out of nowhere at 10 yards or less. I attempted to get to full draw but by the time I was ready they had reversed course. So close. So close!


In the picture the yellow arrow is pointing at a turkey. Hard to see I know, but if you could see the movement it pops right out at you.

The green arrow is the direction of travel I thought they were going in on the other side of the draw when those three popped up out of nowhere (purple arrow). If I had known they were coming and had been at full draw before they popped up I would have been taking home a turkey for sure. The one was so close I could see individual feathers on its chest.
But the action didn't stop with just the turkeys. Although that was it for the turkeys. They wandered of (disappeared) for a while and the next time I saw them they were about 200 yards away.

About an hour later I was standing by a tree about 10 yards south of where I had the turkey encounter. I caught sight of movement to the northwest and realized there were two bucks moving around. I had kind of expected to see some in that area, and had planned on being in a different location to make a play on them. But they were moving a good tow hours than I thought they would.

I was watching them and decided to just stay put since the tree was wide enough to give me a back screen in relation to where they were. I probably should have shifted about 10 yards to the east since I discovered very quickly that I was standing right in the spot one of the bucks wanted to go. In retrospect that makes a lot of sense as it is the best way to drop in to the quarry.

I kept watching the one buck get closer and closer and at 20 yards he would step out of the chest high sticks and brambles where I could get a good shot at him. Sadly, he stopped about 2 steps short and looked right at me. He didn't know what I was but he knew I shouldn't be there. Thus started a 20 minute staring contest. At the end of which he shifted east and would take two steps and then look at me. Wait, take two steps and look. He was almost to a tree that would block his view and I could draw. Just past the tree was an opening that I would be able to shoot.

But he stopped and reversed course. He was convinced he would like to go catch up with his buddy and they left the area soon after.

As I am standing there shaking my head and wondering what I should do next I realize there is a train of 6-8 does/fawns coming along that same path the buck took. They are coming right at me. I should have shifted to the right just after the buck left, but I was standing there like a lump and I was still standing right there when the does got to that same spot and pegged me. And I had another 20 minute staring contest.

The lead doe backed up a little and cut to my east behind some scrub, but the doe bringing up the rear was behind by enough that she was not wise to me. She did the same thing as the buck and actually got behind the tree and I came to full draw, but instead of coming out into that opening she reversed course and ran back west. The whole train followed her and I was left standing by that tree.

Sadly, that was the last action I had. I sis hear the turkeys right at roosting time and tried to make a move closer to them hoping that I would see where they roosted, but such was not the case.

I did find a neat new rub and a rub/scrape that I took pictures of.


I like the way this has scratch marks in it. Makes me think there is some gnarly stuff on the antlers of this guy.


That scrape didn't look to fresh, but the rub looked pretty nice. For reference this was about 10 yards from where I sat the other day and had the close encounter with the lone doe.

I am planning on getting back out there on Tuesday and I think I might set up in a spot that will cut off the buck and doe travel path first thing in the morning in the hopes that they will do something similar.

Between now and then I have a waterfowl hunt planned for tomorrow (Saturday) morning. It is on a draw permit public land area. I will be the only hunter there tomorrow. Should be good, but I have never been there before so I really don't know what to expect.
OK, here's the waterfowl hunt from Saturday morning. Was a pretty great day in my opinion.

Fist off, I have to say this was the first time I hunted this place and I didn't know exactly what to expect. It looked like a long walk from parking to hunting I thought maybe a kilometer so I gave myself about 10 minutes to get in on top of what I thought I would need to get situated.

And then I slept in and I dawdled getting out the door and the walk in as more like a mile. So by the time I was in the hunting area it was full on sunrise. Luckily, the water is pretty well screened by phragmites, scrub trees and cattails. So I didn't flush all the birds out.

I was able to get set up and noticed that just around the corner from me there was a lot of goose noises. I decided to scoot over to that direction and saw that there was a a flotilla of geese. Probably 60 geese just loafing on the water. Not sure if they would have eventually swum over by me or flown overhead. At that time there wasn't much flying. But I waited there within range and eventually a couple got up and when I shot at the first one (missed) the rest of them got up too. I got that second one and swung to my right and hit the third. Three shots, 2 birds. Not bad.

I was able to recover the closer bird no problem., but the one that I swung to the right to shoot landed on the far side of a channel that after repeated tries was just too deep to cross in chest waders. Let me tell you that was exhausting. I kept sinking into holes and tripping over submerged logs/branches. I really overdid it and eventually gave up and sat on the shore under some scrub trying to catch my breath. I was thoroughly sweated up, but I saw that the goose was hung up where I should be able to get it by using the rowboat provided for just such an occasion.

Unfrtunately, the row boat was all the way over at the other side of the zone. So I had to hike over and then row it back around to the spot where I could get my goose. Thew interesting thing about the boat was that it smelled like a rutty back had been sleeping in it. Couldn't figure it out until the family of mice that had been feasting under the seats started scurrying around.

You can see the nest pn the left by the seat. And there is a mouse on the transom crossbar in the upper left corner. Little dummy actually decided it would be better to jump ship than ride with me. And of course he was swimming away from shore. Go with god lil mouse. The other four stayed in the boat the whole ride and I assume they will be there to help the next duck hunter.


I finally made it over to the goose and picked him up and that was all fine and good, but I got to tell you I am not the best rowboat operator. At times I was using the oars as push poles like a gondolier and other times I was using them as canoe paddles. In general I must have looked pretty dang stupid. I am sure that I used up far more calories recovering that goose than I will get out of eating it. Pretty bad at carnivore math I guess.

I got back to my spread and sat for a while. I saw some ducks flying and they kept landing to the east. I think if I had gotten in earlier I might have been able to set up my spread so that the ducks would come into it at first light. Instead I think some real ducks created a spread just out of the hunting area...

I managed to pick off a lone mallard at about 9:15. At this point I was 4 shots 3 birds. Which is kinda how I think of myself as a shooter. Way above average. Wasted shells few and far between...

But then the geese started flying and I missed my best shot due to having my safety on... So I followed that up by wasting 6 shells on low-flying passing flocks without bring anything down.3 birds, 10 shots, 30% shooter. Sounds about right.

It was only 9:30 and I am sure there were still a lot of birds to hunt, but I decided that between the overexertion trying to get across the water and the overexertion trying to row the boat, I was beat and asked from sweat on the inside as well as being rained on. I called it a day.

Except, I had to get back to my car with all the stuff I brought in, plus these birds. I weighed it all later when I got home.

6#s backpack

27.5#s birds

27#s decoys

3#s shotgun

I ended up walking 100yards with the birds and the backpack and gun, then setting it down and going back for the decoys and walking 100 yards past the bag and birds and then going back and moving that 100 yards further. In the end my 1 mile walk up ended up being 2 miles but some of that I was able to walk without carrying anything, which was nice.

I'm going to make some bacon-wrapped barbecue goose for dinner tonight, I'll post a picture.

Thinking about going out Tuesday or Thursday back to the woods after another deer or a turkey. Can't decide which.
Dinner was good. Here's a pictorial recipe. Probably not the most original use of goose meat and it would probably be delicious no matter what meat you used, but my wife loves these and that helps justify me hunting geese. ;)

Cut bacon strips in half. Put a tsp of brown sugar on each.

Cut a goos great into as many pieces as you have bacon strips. Smother them in your favorite barbecue sauce.

One piece of goose on each bacon strip.

Wrap and secure with a toothpick.
Throw them on the grill and enjoy.
I had wanted to go out on Tuesday since my wife would be home and I could leave very early and do a true morning hunt, but work scheduled a bunch of conference calls that I couldn't get out of and I ended up switching my day off to Thursday.

Unfortunately that meant I had to get the girls up for school and I didn't hit the road until 8:30. That put me at my walk in around 10:30. I heard turkeys in the woods as I was crossing the field and even though I was trying to be slow and deliberate, I bumped two bucks and two does on my way to the quarry edge. It would have been a good morning to be in before sunrise...

I got about halfway down the quarry when I saw a turkey head peeking around a corner at me. I froze and it lost interest so I backed up and tried to get behind the turkey by going up the side of the quarry, but I must have spooked a different turkey because I heard the putting and the running. I slid back down into the quarry and could see the turkeys streaming into the west edge of the woods. Crap... I was afraid I would get in too late to be successful on the turkeys.

I should mention that it was snowy and I saw turkey tracks everywhere. Including in places where I wouldn't have expected to see them.


I tried to sneak to a spot that I could possibly ambush some of the turkeys and maybe some deer, but there were 8 deer wondering around in the west edge of the woods and I couldn't move much. Eventually I headed back to the stand with the idea that it was the best place to be.

About an hour later I saw the deer in the bottom of the draw about 80 yards west of me. It looked like they might go out into the field, but then they circled back and headed north and west. All except one that I thought was a buck. I suspected that he bedded down right at the field edge. About 45 minutes later I see a lone back working east towards me right on the field edge. I had a lot of time to look at him in the binoculars. And while he didn't look like a monster, I figured I would be happy putting an arrow through him.

I ranged my openings and I ranged him and I was pretty sure that 40 yards was what I would be shooting at. I wasn't super happy with a 40 yard shot, but I know in theory I should be able to hit at 40. I have no problem with that yardage on a target.

Anyway he gets to the opening and I am at full draw. I have my 40 yard pin right where I want it to go and send it. Miss. He circled around a few times out at 50-60 yards and I can see I have not hit him. And then he trots back the way he came.

IMG_1647.jpgHe was standing in that circle on the patch of dark stuff. I rearranged it at 40 yards. And when I recovered my arrow it was right in line with the stand and where I remember his body being. I can only surmise that he was standing a little further back than 40 exactly and I was aimed too low sending the arrow right underneath him. Either that or he is a ghost deer and arrows pass right through his ethereal form.

About 30 minutes later I had a doe run in from the southeast looking back over her shoulder like she was being pursued. But nothing ever came out. She aimed right for the spot that the buck had come out. I saw her drift off to the north and west like the others had.

Then just about sunset I had 10 deer, 5 bucks and 5 does, come out into the field in that same spot. They for the most part angled to the southeast and non of them got terribly close except a doe with a fawn that hit that same 40 yard spot I missed in about 5 minutes after legal shooting light.

The deer in the field at sunset was a nice sight.


I am hoping to go out Saturday or Sunday for a morning hunt. It might very well be my last hunt in this spot for the season. I might go out in early January but I'm going to wait and see how I feel after New Year's before I get to excited about that.
I went out Sunday morning hoping to ambush the turkeys in that spot they have been in the last 3-4 times I've been out there. No dice. The turkeys decided to be elsewhere.

I did find a very fresh rub and at one point I was surrounded by about 30 deer. None within bow range.

Might not get back out to that spot until after New Year's Day. I still have hopes of connecting with a turkey or another deer.
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I just checked the lottery results and I pulled a 4th season turkey tag for Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie here in Illinois. I had that tag last year and it was a difficult hunt. I always seemed to be where the coyotes were and the turkeys had moved out of. And the turkeys were very reluctant to respond to calls. I guess we'll see how it goes in 2021.
I went out this morning for a short hunt. It got very cold the last couple days and I thought that might have the deer up on their feet. But maybe I would have needed to stay out longer to see it.

By 10:30 I had seen one deer and it was about 80 yards to the west and not interested in getting closer. So I headed home. I am considering getting out on 12/31 but I will have a different opportunity to hunt fall turkeys between now and then.

I'll post an update when I get a chance.
I just got home from a three-day trip to a cabin on a lake in Wisconsin. This included my birthday and I always like to spend part of my birthday hunting so I bought a fall turkey tag from the nice folks at the Wiscosin DNR before we left.

I was pretty excited about this since our cabin was in easy walking distance to a chunk of state forest land. I spent a decent amount of time digitally scouting and making up a game plan and I was really hoping I could bring all the pieces together to bring home a turkey. But knowing that I was going in blind and just how hard it is to get on a fall turkey I was going to be happy with some time in the woods.

From Aerial photos I saw that there were some wooded hills along a road to the west with what looked like crop fields across the road. I wanted to get up there and look for sign the first morning and then adapt my plan as I went along.

Fortunately we got about 1-2 inches of snow that night, so in the morning I was walking in and seeing deer tracks and bunny tracks and coyote tracks everywhere. That was a real joy. I love hunting in fresh snow.

I got in to a spot that I thought was even with thew cropland and cut west up the hill, but when I got to the road I saw that the field was planted in grass hay so there would be no reason for the turkeys to be out there looking for waste grain.

I took a different track through the woods to the north and east to get back to the trail I had been, essentially skipping about 300 yards of the trail. I figured I would see it on my way back. I really wanted to get all the way to the end of the trail to see what was there.

And what was there? More bunny tracks, more deer tracks and more coyote tracks. So I turned around and started the walk back to my cabin. I was pretty down on myself but I figured it was worth the effort to have bought the tag. As I was getting to the part of the trail I had skipped over, I stopped by a big tree and threw out some calls. And of course I heard no response. I am truly not sure why I bother calling in the fall. It worked once with my brother and I guess I just like doing it.

Anyway, I press on and about 30 yards later I hear crashing and putting and I know that I have just startled the flock. I stop by a tree and scan in the direction I heard the noises, but I see nothing. But the good news is I know there are turkeys in the neighborhood.

I took a few minutes to look for tracks off the trail in the direction I had heard the noises, but I found nothing. I decided to push on down the trail and Goldmine! I find a fly down wing print and a track on the trail leading into the trees.


I followed the prints and realized there were about 5-6 unique sets of prints all heading east and I was about to plop down by a tree in hopes that the turkeys might calm down and circle back when I heard and saw turkeys taking off from the tops of some trees about 45 yards away.

I figured that I had bogeyed things up pretty bad so I hiked out with the hopes that they might come back to roost in that same area. I had family at the cabin and we were going to do fun family things that afternoon.

I was back in the next morning and while I found a great sunrise I did not find any turkeys.


After the sun was up I took some time to inspect the tracks from the day before. I was able to learn a bit by that. It seems that the turkeys were a lot further away from me than I thought when they saw me. I was looking for them running, but they were actually flying up. From there they sat tight as I tromped around getting closer and closer but finally they had had enough.

Here is a map of my route.

I started at the red dot in the bottom and worked north. The spur to the east was me taking a wrong turn and backtracking. North of there I headed to the west to get to the road and then angled to the northeast to get to the road on the north edge. You can see the two little arcs going south in the middle. That is where I encountered the turkeys.

In retrospect, I was probably about 80 yards from a roosted bird when I decided to walk directly away from him because I thought the birds would be by the road... The larger orange circle is where the birds were when I spooked them.

On a hunch I hiked back down that spur the next morning on my way out and I actually found the spot where the turkeys must have flown to. That is the smaller orange circle to the south. It was a pine plantation on a hill top that had been recently thinned.

I followed tracks around in there and I believe they were only in that area for a little bit before they flew up in the trees. I should say that in but areas I saw a ton of coyote tracks. I think these turkeys are very heavily pressured by coyotes and I think they spend a decent amount of their day up in the trees. I was unable to find any tracks leading out of the pines or around the general vicinity.

It was disappointing to walk away with an unpunched tag, but considering that I had no advance knowledge of the area I was pretty stocked to have gotten into some turkeys. I would definitely consider trying this again sometime.

I won't be getting out again in 2021, but I have probably 2 more dates in mind for hunts on my Illinois archery tags. So I will probably write those up in this log and start my 2021 log after that.
I went out yesterday morning to the woods where I got my back and I had a plan in mind to sit or perhaps climb into a tree right off a game trail in the inside corner of the L-Shape of the woods. I have had a lot of turkey and deer encounters in that corner so I thought that by getting in early I might be set up for some good action.

Unfortunately I had not slept well the night before and only had about 2-1/2 hours of sleep.I strongly considered skipping it, but I was wide awake so I made the long drive.

And then I had to deal with about 10" of snow that had a layer of icy crunch in the middle somewhere. SO the walk in was noisy. I was trying to only move when I had road noise was cover, but about 30 yards from my stopping point I had about 5 turkeys fly out of the tree I was under...

This was about 1.5 hours before legal shooting light so I was surprised that the turkeys were so alerted. I was pretty heartbroken as I watched them fly north to the trees along the creek. I thought the jig was up but I took a couple more steps toward my destination. And 10 more turkeys flew away...

It continued like that with a few steps and more turkeys leaving until I finally got into my spot. Probably 25-30 turkeys gone and I was still an hour before legal shooting light...

I was fortunate to see and hear another 10-15 turkeys roosted near me and flying down at sunrise, but they all knew they didn't want to head in my direction. What a bummer. I am honestly surprised that I just so happened to walk into their roost area. I know they roost there sometimes but I thought it more likely they would be roosted by the creek and then would work up past me. But I think I should know by now that these turkeys are very good at making a fool out of me.

By 8 am the turkeys were silent and there was nothing moving in the woods that I could see. I stuck it out until 10 and then trekked out along a game trail. There were no fresh deer tracks which makes me think that snow has them hanging out near hay bales or some other type of food.

I still have another weekend I could go out, but I am feeling less interested in hunting. I have been so blessed in my hunting opportunities this fall and winter already and I am feeling a little run down with the long drives and the cold weather. If I don't get out again, I thank you all for following along. I have a lot of fun adventures in mind for 2021 which I plan to share.

If I do get out I will be sure to tack it on to this thread just to keep it all together.
OK. Official wrap up. I went out on Sunday for the final day of the 2020-2021 archery season.

I got a nice show of turkeys at 40 yards behind unshootable screen of branches and shrubs. Then instead of coming through the break in the fence right by my stand which would have given me a lot of shot opportunities, they followed the field edge and crossed over 140 yards south of me...


I ended up seeing a deer and a turkey on the west edge of the woods acting strange and then I noticed a coyote at about 50 yards. That is out of range for me with a bow. He ended up heading south and I decided to set up under a tree in hopes that the deer and turkeys would come back in in the afternoon.

I ended up sitting all day only seeing a possum and about 6 deer that came in from the west like they had been bumped. They skittered along the woods edge and cut south across the field. Never closer than 100 yards.

The day ended with 4 turkeys flying up into the trees from out in the field. One flew into the tree right above me and I was in the process of drawing back my bow when he decided he wanted another tree...

I wouldn't expect anything less in my efforts to get on a turkey... It's frustrating, but I won't quit. I'll be back after them in 2021. Can't wait.

Just as a wrap up to this season, I finally hung my euro mount for the buck I shot in 2020.


I started with this chunk of cherry I cut off a branch that fell of a tree just behind my tree stand. It was pretty gnarly looking but I knew I could turn it into something special.


There was a lot of wood there, so I had to work with a saw and a hatchet before I could even start to flatten it into a slab.


It was slow going with my router sled.


The backside was very rough where it had split from the trunk.
I finally got it flat and even and about 1" thick.


I just love the look of cherry wood grain. Definitely worth the effort to pull it put of that chunk of wood.


I eased the bottom edge to make it seem less like a board. And I wood burned a bow and arrow. I also added the 2020 Illinois buck pin. On the back I routed out a recess where I could glue in the tag I put on the buck when I shot it. I forgot to get the picture.


And now I have it hanging over my desk. I have to say that I enjoy the woodworking part of the trophy taking as much as I enjoy the hunting and the eating of the venison. I'm looking forward to the upcoming season, but I think I may have run out of places to put Euro mounts... Might need a bigger house.

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