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Benefits of travel

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Anyone here like to travel? Why? Where have you been?

Leisure traveling has many benefits. It is no wonder that many people love to travel. It is very common, nowadays, for people to just get away on a vacation trip any time. Some even consider traveling as part of their routine lifestyle. Perhaps, the reason for its popularity is because more people have come to realize the benefits of traveling. People from all walks of life, both young and old, enjoy traveling. Most of the younger travelers tend to seek for fun, discovery and adventure in their travels. They prefer to visit strange and exotic places. The older travelers, on the other hand, tend to look for a more pleasant and enjoyable trip. In fact, it was not too long ago that an increasing number of older people start to go for leisure trips more often. It could be that after spending a major part of their life working so hard, they feel that they need to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Leisure traveling becomes a treat they give to themselves for the years of hard work they had done.

Traveling provides tremendous opportunities for fun, adventure and discovery. When we visit places in other countries, we gain a better understanding of the people living there. We learn their cultures, history and background. We discover the similarities they have with us, as well as their differences from us. It is interesting to learn from people with diverse backgrounds.

Traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. If we want to make our travels more exciting and challenging, we can choose to plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit. Traveling not only provides us fun and adventure, it also provides us marvelous insights and enlightens our minds.

Traveling is refreshing and revitalizing. It is a psychological necessity, especially for people who has stressful jobs. In this society nowadays, many people suffer tremendous stress at work. Relaxing at home during the weekends is insufficient for some to unwind. Taking periodic vacation trips reap better results for them. The vacation trip helps to recharge their batteries and enable them to handle better the stress they experience at work. After the break, they feel more energize to return to work. For many working adults, regular getaways help them sustain their energy and vitality they require for their work. Without these breaks, they may suffer the consequence of work burn out.

Traveling provide opportunities for us to share our happiness with our friends and family. When we travel with our friends and family, we create memories that would last a lifetime. It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with those we love. Giving them a wonderful traveling experience far outweighs the benefit of buying presents for them. Goods have a limited life span, whereas memories last forever.

One benefit of traveling is that we can choose the kind of trip we would like to have. There is a wide variety of traveling options for us to select from. We are free to select the type, duration and cost of travel that suits our interest and budget. For example, we can choose a two-day cruise to a nearby island or a year-long trip round the world. We can also choose to stay in a cheap motel or a five-star hotel. Apart from these, we can choose to travel as an independent traveler or go on a group packaged tour. With the enormous variety of options, there is definitely a kind of vacation trip to meet every individual need.

Technology has made traveling cheaper, easier and faster. As the cost of flying is cheaper now than before, traveling have become more affordable to many people. Besides, flying to more distant places is made available now. Many places in the world are more accessible. Hence, we can choose to visit more places. Furthermore, it is faster to get to a place now than before. Thus, we should make use of the opportunities technology has made available for us. We should venture forth and discover for ourselves the places that we can only read about in the past.

If you are able to be away from work, can afford to travel to the place you hope to visit, then you should take a vacation trip now and not later. You can learn from your traveling experience more than you can imagine. Many times, you will make discoveries you can never think of. Be prepared for abundant surprises!
I like to limit my travel to hunting trips. More recently, my wife has introduced the idea of trips that do not include a rifle, and do include a wife. I'm reserving judgement on that idea. We're taking a trip to Florida (not very exotic) in December, meaning I won't be applying for that Arizona Coues tag.:eek:
Love it... Been to just about every state except 10-12....Canada/Mexico... don`t go to Mexico anytmore.....but there is so much to see in the U.S.... like to drive around states... just rent a car and go... map in hand exploring the offbeat path... away from cities.
I would like to travel, but I never do, other than hunting trips, and even with those the farthest I've gone away from home is eastern Montana. If I were to go to another continent I think I would like to see Africa, and Australia. I have no interest in hunting Africa but I think it would be interesting to visit for a couple weeks. But I think I will stick to North America for the next several years. There's still plenty that I haven't seen.
Funny you should ask Ithica, I was jsut thinking when I was in Hawaii all the places that I've been. I'd like to go back and make a log. Someday I will. But to name a few places I've been to :

Every state West of the Mississippi (Including Alaska and Hawaii)
Switzerland, Germany, France, England, Mexico (Several times), Beliz, New Zealand,

Next year I plan to go to Africa and some day the Orient somewere. Just for Shagrins.

I have a world map on my office wall and want to put pictures up of all the places I've been. Traveling is Awesome.
Oak, my wife tried the same thing on me. So we went to Hawaii and had a great time. This year we're going to Alaska fishing. I try to go every year but this will be the first time taking the family. Should be great.

Have been to about half the states, Canada, Alaska, Venezeula, Argentina, Taiwan, Portugal, Spain, England, Sweden.

Would love to go to Africa and Australia someday. Traveling is great.
Whomever wrote that article on the benefits of travel is an arrogant jerk who thinks only people who travel can have a fullfilling life. What a bunch of crap! Just because I'm haven't traveled all over the world doesn't mean I'm stupid. It pisses me off that people who have traveled a lot think they've had experiences that other people can't understand.

Traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective.

BS. This author thinks I don't have any knowledge or a wide perspective just because I haven't traveled. What a self serving bunch of crap!

it also provides us marvelous insights and enlightens our minds.

That's the kinda nose up in the air, holier than thou BS people who have traveled outside Idaho are always implying in their superior way! They think I don't have marvelous insights or an enlightened mind just because I've never been to Bumfart, Egypt!

Lots of people who haven't traveled are successful and have satisfying lives.

Just because I haven't traveled doesn't mean everybody else is better than me.
Whomever wrote that article on the benefits of travel is an arrogant jerk who thinks only people who travel can have a fullfilling life. What a bunch of crap! Just because I'm haven't traveled all over the world doesn't mean I'm stupid. It pisses me off that people who have traveled a lot think they've had experiences that other people can't understand.

Dang it Ithaca, I was just about to write the same thing (only with some misspelled words) but you bet me to it.:D
guppie, That's what I mean. You're rolling on the floor laughing your ass off just because I've never been to Fargo, North Dakota or Hoboken, New Jersey. You guys at the North Pole in Alaska aren't better than me and don't forget it!

Next year I plan to go to Africa and some day the Orient somewere. Just for Shagrins.

What are Shagrins? Just because I've never been to Orient, wherever that is, and never ate any Shagrins doesn't mean I'm not happy. And just because I never went to Germany and met a bunch of Nazis doesn't mean I can't put up a map on my wall.
I came from canada to ny, then flew to vegas a couple times. then wife mom past away( live in calif) and she want to keep the car so we drove from calif all the way back to ny. long ours and was no fun. I think if we was to take our time and enjoy the drive it would of been more exciting. well sound like (tone in wife voice) the ferret got into the coutch, got to go.
My wife and I travel quite a bit. She takes 'girl' trips and I take hunting trips. Works out pretty well. We also get in a couple trips a year together.

I think I've been in every state west of the Mississippi, minus Alaska and about half east of it, Canada and Mexico. Been to Egypt and South Africa. We're hitting South America this Nov for a couple weeks, I think we're going to do the cruise thing now. Will definately hit Easter Island, and Chile, and make it to the "Horn" for a couple days. Should be a fun trip.

We probably fly on average 5 times a year to get away either on a quick trip or an extended stay. I love to travel, just wish I had more vacation time.
I do a bit of traveling. On the 12th I leave for OK. o hunt for a few days with a fried from Va. and S.C. I'm not sure about the rest of the turkey season. I usualy hunt a few different states.
I've meet some great guys on my travels over the years and enjoy the time off away from the shop.
As the old saying goes, Absent makes the heart grow stronger. One of the reasons I think my marrage has surved 25 years is because we take time off away from one another.
AHHHH I forgot, I lived in Panama, Central America too, that place was a Kick in the pants. I remember the fishing there. It was Top knotch !!!! they had big bas and alot of them. I would like to go back there some day. We hunted for Monkeys and went to alot of old cities.

The other funny thing is when people come to Idaho I realised I haven't been to alot of col places here. I'll need to visit more places locally too. it's funny how when I think of a vacation I think of going far and not seeing some of the cool local stuff.

Egypt, that sounds like a fun place too Bambi. Do you have any pictures from there ?

Ohhh, and Ithica, The difference is this article tells you the benifits from traveling and not that you're a loser if you don't. 10 of 10 for the idea, 8 out of 10 for effort, about a 3 for succeeding.
I'm sure having a problem seeing a big difference between the two articles! One author says,
Traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. ....................... Traveling not only provides us fun and adventure, it also provides us marvelous insights and enlightens our minds.

The other author says,
the college experience can be both life affirming and career enhancing. The classroom and the coursework expose you to diverse people and ideas. They open up a world that challenges and stimulates you in ways both big and small. You'll discover new interests or pursue familiar subjects with passion and depth.

One says travel has benefits such as increasing our knowledge, the other says education does. One author is an "elitist snob" , but the other is OK! What's the difference?:confused:
I love to travel. I played on a national hockey for about 5 years so I was able to get a few free trips around the country as well as a handful of trips to Europe to play. I'm into warm climates now (besides my huntring trips) so I'm heading to Aruba with the Mrs next fall/winter.
Just got back from a trip to Bali with my wife, Bali is a small mainly Hindu Island in Indonsesia, very friendly gracious people, great climate, geographically very diverse white beaches, mountains, rain forests you can either just luy on beaches all day drinking cocktails or do the adventure scene, ever ridden a mountain bike down the inside a volcano?:D all kinds of animals, elephants, monkeys, BIG snakes, pigs and deer, a strain of Javan Rusa. cheap accomodation, meals and drinks but dont get caught with illicit drugs, marijuanna is life and anything heavier is the death penalty hump. Dont think about driving though they are all mad, a whole family will travel on a scooter and there are thousands of them, they go both ways on one way roads and on two lane roads they will drive on both sides of the road going in the same direction:eek: We just hired a driver each day and sat in the back with our eyes closed:) .
No Egypt pics scanned in. Need to do that one of these days.

My uncle was working/living in Cairo at the time so there was no question that we would go visit. The crap holes he's lived in since are not so inviting though. I think I was there about 4 weeks. We saw most all of the major “tourist attractions”. I really hope to go back one day once it 'cools off' a little in the Middle East. We did all kinds of stuff. Took a 4 day cruise down the Nile ending at Luxor (Valley of the Kings/Queens), did 4 days on the Sinai Peninsula at a resort on the Red Sea. The drive there from Cairo was an experience in itself. 8 hours though the absolute middle for friggn no where… Seeing the huge oil tankers ‘floating in the desert’ was friggn cool. When they go through the Suez Canal, the surrounding terrain is really flat so all you can see is a huge ship in the middle of the desert. The desert was crazy too, basically zero plant life, nothing but rocks and sand… The Red Sea was unbelievable how clear it was. I remember seeing a fish on the bottom while looking off a pier, I asked a guy there in a boat how deep it was and he said 20 meters... It was a lion fish and I could make him out like he was on the surface. We did a bunch of snorkeling and what not there. Hiked to the top of Mt Sinai, Moses was long gone though.

We hit probably 7-8 different pyramid complexes, plus all kinds of other ruins, tombs and temples. Besides all the temples and pyramids, I also spent a couple days at the Antiquities Museum in Cairo, probably only saw half of it in the 12-14hrs I spent there. Reminds me very much of the Smithsonian museums only three times as much stuff.

I be-friended the security guard at my uncles apartment, he took me on a couple tours of ‘his city’… To his house to meet his family, his local market, on the public transportation… Thinking back, I know I wouldn’t be caught dead going the places we went now. It was a friggn sketchy azz slum. Probably the best ‘tour’ was to the Cairo zoo. You’d be surprised what a $20 bill would get you there. Truly an amazing place.
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