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Beginner looking for partner to show the ropes - Central Florida


New member
May 1, 2020
Looking to get into hunting in central Florida, hog hunting maybe? Looking for someone who has some experience. I have plenty of experience with firearms, but have never been hunting. Hopefully a like minded individual. Love the outdoors, and looking to hunt for meat, not for trophies.
Just started hog hunting but will also be deer hunting in the fall. Hit me up.
If you want to go to an outfitter go to Two Guys and a Hog. One day hunt, you'll get the hog you want and go what ever time of the year is good for you. They are located near Perry florida, and no I don't work for them or own it.
So I am brand spanking new to hunting and based in South Florida - Happy to Drive 10 Hours north to shoot my first Deer but I am wondering if there is any advice for a brand new newbie like myself on getting started.
Advice depends on what you did and know now. Their is a lot to discuss about clothes, firearms, timing to go to hunt. How much do you want to pay to an outfitter. What states are good to hunt in and others you'll waste your time and money. I have hunted in 6 states and New Foundland as well as first trying florida. Also you have to be very careful if you have people with you, if you want to hunt with a buddy is reliable and that you can count on him to save your life if your out there in the woods. Booze and hunting is a dangerous combo. To me the biggest most enjoyable part of the hunt is going with a buddy, sharing the road cost , chewing the fat and solving all the worlds problems. Can your buddy do first aid, cook, make sense of situations.

The icing on the cake is shooting a deer. Start first with the caliber of gun you want and scope. Spraying your clothes down and shoes to hide your scent. I've seen and heard when a deer smelled my prints in the woods.
It happens and I have heard them sound off on me when they caught a look at me in the woods. Use a bow with lights, saw what happen the second I turned it , a deer caught me and sounded off. On the way to the stand and from it, seeing the biggest deer of your life with an empty chamber in your rifle. Finally hearing a beer breathing around your wooded blind on the ground and only a 12 gauge wire securing the door. Carry a bear gun in the woods? I do now. Raging Judge, shoots 454 casual and 410 and 45 long. 45 is not good enough.
Clothes, first aid kit, head lamp, knife, tripod, emergency meal and water. If you get lost in the wood are you prepared to spend the night. Should you carry a back pact or go light. Very easy to get lost in the dark. Bow, Crossbow, fire starter, snake proof boots. Snake proof pants. Shooting gloves, face cover. Calls to use, scents to use, do you even need calls. So Chugger where do we start at. To discuss all of the this in this format would take for ever. So what do you want to do?
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Advice depends on what you did and know now. Their is a lot to discuss about clothes, firearms, timing to go to hunt. How much do you want to pay to an outfitter. What states are good to hunt in and others you'll waste your time and money. I have hunted in 6 states and New Foundland as well as first trying florida. Also you have to be very careful if you have people with you, if you want to hunt with a buddy is reliable and that you can count on him to save your life if your out there in the woods. Booze and hunting is a dangerous combo. To me the biggest most enjoyable part of the hunt is going with a buddy, sharing the road cost , chewing the fat and solving all the worlds problems. Can your buddy do first aid, cook, make sense of situations.

The icing on the cake is shooting a deer. Start first with the caliber of gun you want and scope. Spraying your clothes down and shoes to hide your scent. I've seen and heard when a deer smelled my prints in the woods.
It happens and I have heard them sound off on me when they caught a look at me in the woods. Use a bow with lights, saw what happen the second I turned it , a deer caught me and sounded off. On the way to the stand and from it, seeing the biggest deer of your life with an empty chamber in your rifle. Finally hearing a beer breathing around your wooded blind on the ground and only a 12 gauge wire securing the door. Carry a bear gun in the woods? I do now. Raging Judge, shoots 454 casual and 410 and 45 long. 45 is not good enough.
Clothes, first aid kit, head lamp, knife, tripod, emergency meal and water. If you get lost in the wood are you prepared to spend the night. Should you carry a back pact or go light. Very easy to get lost in the dark. Bow, Crossbow, fire starter, snake proof boots. Snake proof pants. Shooting gloves, face cover. Calls to use, scents to use, do you even need calls. So Chugger where do we start at. To discuss all of the this in this format would take for ever. So what do you want to do?
Thanks for the reply - so I know nothing. The idea of an outfitter honestly doesnt really appeal. I feel it is like going fishing in a stocked pond ((again I am very new so that might not be true of most)

I dont drink/drugs or smoke so thats not an issue

Firstly I need to figure getting a rifle - and getting good enough with it that when the moment comes I do the animal the best service of making it a clean and safe kill. So regarding that would I go to a gun shop like bass pro or join a gun club? Where would I be able to practice ? A gun range?

Personally would prefer to bow hunt however I think lets go the rifle way first and once I learn the basics of tracking etc then I can go the bow route
Thanks for the reply - so I know nothing. The idea of an outfitter honestly doesnt really appeal. I feel it is like going fishing in a stocked pond ((again I am very new so that might not be true of most)

I dont drink/drugs or smoke so thats not an issue

Firstly I need to figure getting a rifle - and getting good enough with it that when the moment comes I do the animal the best service of making it a clean and safe kill. So regarding that would I go to a gun shop like bass pro or join a gun club? Where would I be able to practice ? A gun range?

Personally would prefer to bow hunt however I think lets go the rifle way first and once I learn the basics of tracking etc then I can go the bow route
Chugger if you hunt outside the state. You don't have the time to scout and find your set up unless you are on a lease and have lots of time on your hands. Thats just one point. Another is certain outfitters hunts are open range. Yes there some that you hunt in a closed area. But I have never hunted like that. Now you may have some outfitters that are allowed to use bait. Still you have to make the shot usually at 100 yards. Next is food to bring and store and cook. Coolers, propane, cookers, cooking tools, hunting stands, sleeping bags, water containers. Its like setting up a house. Not to mention how much money your going to spend on not hunting items.

I had 20 acres in the Upper Pensiula of Michagen. We would spend 2 weeks and half the time was house keeping. I was located in the middle of the copper state forest. Opening day for gun we counted 121 shots. Do you want to hunt in an area like that. On a outfitters place there is no one next to you to worry about. Plus if you hunt alone, there is someone there to look after you. Their stands and ground blinds are all set up and you just step in.

As far as rifle. I suggest 30.06, because you can get the ammo anywhere in the US. I put down a 800 lbs moose at 300 yards and if it can kill that, then it will kill anything in North America. Bow hunting to me is the most exciting hunt of all. The reason being the closeness of the hunt. If the deer see you its over. If you move, its over. More important of all if they smell you, you'll never see them. I found that does like to look up and bucks don't.

Bow hunt I prefer Matthews bow. 1000 dollars, there is a few other brands not many that may be equal to the quality of a Matthew. Cross bow, Excalibur. You don't need a press to fix it if you are out there hunting and it breaks down into a gun case for traveling. They are a little noisy but the speed that it travels compensates for it. As far a tracking goes, unless you in the snow, tracking blood on red leaves can be difficult during the fall leave falling. A bow shot in the heart of lungs will give you plenty of blood to look for. Usually outfitter have dogs and sprays that can find blood trails. Outfitter only what you to point in the direction of you kill and they will find it for you and you have no choice in that rule they have. Thats why a well placed shot will drop them in their tracks. So hope this gives you more insight.
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Thanks for the reply - so I know nothing. The idea of an outfitter honestly doesnt really appeal. I feel it is like going fishing in a stocked pond ((again I am very new so that might not be true of most)

I dont drink/drugs or smoke so thats not an issue

Firstly I need to figure getting a rifle - and getting good enough with it that when the moment comes I do the animal the best service of making it a clean and safe kill. So regarding that would I go to a gun shop like bass pro or join a gun club? Where would I be able to practice ? A gun range?

Personally would prefer to bow hunt however I think lets go the rifle way first and once I learn the basics of tracking etc then I can go the bow route
Look around here, search threads and soak up knowledge. This entire forum is geared towards and full of people who hunt DIY on public lands. You do not need an outfitter. Just some fortitude, a love of adventure and a willingness to try things and learn as you go.

Decide what you want to hunt first. That will help narrow down a caliber. Go to whatever sporting goods or gun shops you have around and handle different rifles to find something that feels right. They would probably be able to help you find a place to go practice too, or find a local sportsmen’s group or gun club.

If you really would rather bow hunt though, plenty of people start off that way too. Whatever route you go, just get outside. It’s the best way to learn.
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