Bear Season Over for me


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
In the Sagebrush of SW Montana
I've been working on creating a smaller version of me and am about 2.5 weeks into a 90 day program. Monday night I dug a little too deep in a stretch and overextended the muscles in my right foot. I tried to fight it the last few days but this morning went to the doctor. Luckily there were no bones broken but tons of inflammation and bruising that suggest I was dang close to tearing something. Ordered to rest the foot for not less than 30 days and have to wear a stupid boot thing. :rolleyes: Looks like that will put me dangerously close to the end of the season.
Sneakers and a cane might work. Hey! Ya never know. Hell, I shot 2 whitetails in the same day, just 10 days out of major spine surgery.(Beatles song....." with a little help from my friends"....) :D
Bottom or top of foot?

Right in the middle (likely more top) behind the middle toe...throbbing pain when sitting in a chair & debilitating pain when attempting to walk/put weight on it & nothing when seated in the couch. X-rays show nothing broken.
Dang. Sorry to hear that. Maybe take it easy for two or three weeks and push your luck toward the end of bear season. It seems to get better as the season progresses anyway.
Dang, sorry to hear about the injury and probable tag soup. If you need a smile go back and read your original post with the thoughts of baby making in mind. When I read it at first I thought you were working on making a smaller version of you, as in a child, and I had to go back and re-read it with a different mindset to understand what you meant. :)
Yes, I would be very cautious with your rehab. An aggravation of the injury will cause more scarring, which is not a good thing. You could potentially end up with some plantar fasciitis if you aren't careful.

I'd do some on-line research for the rehab process and follow it diligently.
Always a good idea to roll a golf ball under your foot for a few minutes a day. Keeps things a little more loose and helps to avoid injury.