Bear Sausage!


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I finally got my summer sausage back from the butcher. This stuff is grub! My kids went to town on the first log, and it was gone in no time, the rest I threw in the freezer. No hams for me this time...I had it all made into sausage. This was a spring bear, and it tastes great, I don't know if there would be a difference in what a fall bear tastes like...better or worse typically? Anyone that doesn't haul out their meat though from their bear should be kicked in the nuts...and then kicked again. Don't waste. Have it made into pepperoni or sausage if your worried about the taste. Take it from my kids, ages 3 to 11...if it wasn't good, they wouldn't eat it.


Ya...turned out good...I was a little skeptical as that place looks a little shady, but they came through with a good product, so I'm happy.

Shady??? No way! You drop your meat off and go next door to look at dirty mags and movies to beat your meat. What's shady about that? :D

Everything I've taken to that butcher has come back tastey!

Good luck on the draws this fall!
Shady??? No way! You drop your meat off and go next door to look at dirty mags and movies to beat your meat. What's shady about that? :D

Everything I've taken to that butcher has come back tastey!

Good luck on the draws this fall!

I hope it has NOTHING to do with what is going on next door... :D Just kidding. It is hard to find a butcher with the right recipe. Now, just pray he doesn't go out of business!
I've had bear snack sticks before and they were excellent.I know some guys here in Pa that would kill me if I wasted any bear meat;they love the stuff
This was a spring bear, and it tastes great, I don't know if there would be a difference in what a fall bear tastes like...better or worse typically?

Depends on what their feeding on, spring bears (especially the early ones) can often be in heavy scavange mode and eating nasty carcasses, garbage etc. Later in the spring they probably get a few more veggies in their diet.

Fally though? If you've got mountain berries, they can be superb. Their fat sweetens up and can be absolutely delicious. I'm hoping to find a few berry sweet spots up in the CA Sierras where I can hopefully get lucky on a bear this fall.

Anyone that doesn't haul out their meat though from their bear should be kicked in the nuts...and then kicked again. Don't waste. Have it made into pepperoni or sausage if your worried about the taste.

Does not compute....if you're going to kill something you owe it to that animal to use it. Wasting good, healthy meat makes no sense.
The sausage looks great! That beer makes me want to throw up a little though. :p I believe that is the only beer I have ever had I didn't care for. :D

Obviously you've never had Heiniken, Olde English, Mickeys or Miller Genuine Draft. ;)

I stand corrected. Miller Genuine Draft is the worst beer ever. I had blocked that out of my memory. Old English seemed good in college. ;)

I don't know what it is about Fat Tire but I have tested it extensively and always come to the same conclusion. I think it is the type of yeast they use. I have made a ton of good beer and I know it is a good one just not for me. :)
I agree, MGD is definitely the worst beer on earth. With Budweiser coming in a very, very close 2nd.
Have been using *that place in Garden City* for years. I have never ordered hand trimmed jerky since the first time I went there. Was a real nose bleed when I went to pick up my meat. Live and learn, but they have always done us right.
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