Caribou Gear Tarp

Bear hunt in alberta

Cathunt MT

New member
Apr 28, 2005
I am looking to go to Alberta for black bear and would like any info from other hunters if they have been on good, or bad hunts up there....Would like to go to one with good chance to take a color bear. any info would be great.
Thanks, Jason :D
alberta bear

I've hunted Alberta twice with Chris McKinnon of hunt MCO. both were fantastic hunts. I got a 6'8" black on the first trip and a 6'6" pure blonde on the second. Plus my dad who doesn't hunt caught a 34 pound pike and 12 pound walleye. Chris's operation and Lodge is on a trophy lake so you can't keep but one fish per day, but they are big. I'll try to email you a photo of the blonde. The black was a bait hunt, the blonde was spot and stalk. his website is Its a 2 bear area, but I ws so happy with my first bear on both hunts that icalled it a trip and went fishing. The lodge is very nice, and the fishing is as good as any canadian fishing trip.
Don Ayers in Alberta has a excellent reputation I hunted moose with him but he specializes in bear hunts and he has three color phases. I believe his web site is phone number 780 479 4433 pretty tuff to get in because he has alot of repeat hunters every year. Good luck Bill
Bill, That is funny I just talked to him this last weekend at a sports show looks like a good outfit it was one of my top two that I am looking at. Thanks for the info. How was your moose hunt with him? Did you get a nice one?
Yes I killed a moose not as big as I would of liked but after three different hunts in other places I was tickled. He was 37 inches but I believe thats about average for the area. He gets 13 moose license and everyone kills a moose, it's alot of fun great country plent of grizzley and wolves.It was north of Swan Hills we went in around 25 miles by argo. Bill
Cathunt, a group of us from the board went to SK a few years ago and did OK. The outfitter, Casey Richardson, used to post here and is a MT guy that outfits up there. Something to look into anyway.

This yea-hoo killed this bear on my stand the day after I left. Dammit. :D You might recognize him.

Here is FEW from the board. He found a nice colored bear.

Here is the bear I killed there the following year.

Best of luck.
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