Caribou Gear


I have only seen one in the wild. Walking down a gravel road near my house, a relative from the cities states "there is a badger over there", as if this was an everyday occurrence. Too bad I didn't have a camera, as it was posing perfectly for a picture. Have been past there many times and never saw him again
I shot 3 one weekend last year, ranchers hate them , cows brake there legs in the holes they dig. Also shot over 150 gophers that weekend. They also eat rattlesnakes, one tough ombré .
I shot one antelope hunting probably 30 years ago that’s been it. When I first moved to my current house also a long time ago there was one running down our driveway and he went into the culvert. I had my bow so I bent down and was full draw at point blank range. He started attacking the tip of the arrow 😂 I decided right then he was too much of a bad ass to shoot. Have seen a bunch since. I was sitting on my 4 wheeler a few years ago, getting ready to hike into hunt elk southern Idaho and had two fighting next to me and eventually bounce off the 4 wheeler next to my boot. They would run around the sagebrush then engage and start kicking each other’s butt! It was pretty fun to watch. I want to trap a badger but would be happy getting probably just one. There’s not a lot close to where I live though.
I've seen far more hit on the road than I've seen live. Last one I saw live was while antelope hunting as I was walking through some taller sage. We sort of saw each other at the same time about 20 yards away. It immediately bristled up and started growling. I stopped, said something like "Whoa buddy, let's not make this something it doesn't have to be," and gave him / her a wide berth.
We have a fair number of them on our place in south Texas. They do dig big holes in the roads all the time which is aggravating. Neat critters, I have never shot one. Even with all the holes in the road we still don’t see them very often.
I agree with most, I think they are cool critters and add excitement and smiles to the outdoors on the rare occasions when I get to see them. However...when I was a teenager I had summer jobs working at a cemetery. A family of badgers moved in to the nicely manicured grounds and as you can imagine that really wasn't acceptable. We contacted the Game & Fish and were told they couldn't (wouldn't) do anything about it, but we were free to do whatever was necessary. So a few patient early mornings with my old .22 and carefully selected headshots, the "problem" was solved. Only badgers I've ever thought about shooting.

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