Yeti GOBOX Collection

Bad news for Beau

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
It is with hesitation that I post this, as our friend Beau is not one to ask for help.

All of you know our great friends, Beau and Kirstin Baty of Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas. You have watched Beau in some of our hunts, including his Wyoming backcountry elk hunt from last year that was his "mile marker" to help him through his fight with cancer. He got the approval to go on that hunt and made the most of it.

After fighting Beau's cancer in 2019, they had big plans for a better year in 2020. Along came a pandemic that cancelled their summer reservations.

Then, as if things couldn't go worse, we found out recently that Beau's cancer is back. He is scheduled for more surgeries in the next two weeks. He claims he is keeping his date with us in the Wyoming backcountry for late September. I hope he does. His determination is not to be underestimated.

Being the prideful and independent folks they are, asking for help is not their style. Well, "friends do 'cause friends wanna do." We are friends and we "wanna do." Thanks to the great folks at First Lite Gear for putting this together.

Prayers are requested. If you are so inclined, I can assure you any donation to this cause at the link below is greatly appreciated. Best of health and happiness to all of you.

Thanks for sharing with us @BigFin. Agreed that friends will do what they choose to do. We can all support with prayers and financial however we feel led.
Prayers and donation sent to Beau and family. I really enjoyed the episodes with Beau, and wish him and his family the best.
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Prayers for Beau and his family. Undoubtedly one of my favorite fresh track spirits and smiles! Stay strong Beau and co.
Man that’s tough but so is Beau. Prayers for him and his family and I will be donating. I hope he makes that September hunt.
Thoughts and prayers with Beau, his family, and friends. May God bless his independent stubbornness to fight.
I just scanned these comments and then looked at the goFundMe link to share with some people I know are friends of Beau. I sure see a lot of familiar names from Hunt Talk on that list. The compassion and concern you have shown for one of our own is making it hard for me to swallow this big knot in my throat.

I don't have words to adequately thank you all, but Thank You.

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