Caribou Gear Tarp

Baby Nursery Mural


New member
May 24, 2011
NE Nevada
Maybe this belongs on "Pintrest", but I figured I would share it on here anyways. The baby is due Nov 1st, so I am trying to get as much of this stuff done before hunting season(and while the wife can still help!)

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That is the coolest nursery I've seen! Dang, I might have to redo ours now!
How did you do that? I might have to do something similar in our spare bedroom as it has log furniture in it.
No doubt, that is awesome! I showed the wife (who is an artist) and said "we are doing that for our kid!"
Cripes that makes mine look pretty boring. Nice job!


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They both look cool.

Dink, I can tell you for a fact that it's hard to look sexy with baby throwup (or worse) all over your shirt.
Thanks for the kind words guys. My wife drew the smaller animals directly on the wall with a pencil, then we outlined them with a fine paint brush, then filled in with a larger brush. It takes 2 or 3 coats of paint. The trees were free hand. For the larger animals, we used an overhead projector and transparency film. The deer are from a window decal, and the antelope and elk were drawn on transparency film with a sharpie marker. If you didn't have access to a projector you could draw them all on the wall, but that would be a real pain...but still doable.
Your son will be having sweet dreams of monster bulls and bucks before you know it.
Very nice! My wife did an african cirtter theme for our first. It turned out about 100X better than I thought she could do. Thanks for posting yours as that is giving her some ideas for our sons current room. She did the first is colors, which was a pain and expensive. I like the one color, silouette look you went with.
That boy is never going to change the look of that room! That is a paint job that will last the 18 years+ that he lives under your roof.

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