AZ Elk video clip

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT

First of all, thanks for letting me use the Hunttalkers as one of my testing grounds for the DVD project.

After many calls the last week, some of the big guys seem to be hearing that On Your Own hunting is not "that big of a deal." Maybe it is not. When I explain why they are hearing it, I suspect you will laugh.

After providing our sample clips for them to review, they are now coming back with the response that the people they contract this work to, do not think it is much of a unique idea, and that people are happy with the status quo. After all, they are getting viewers and sponsors.

The TV side of the industry works something like this. The big sponsors don't do shows themselves, even if they are the main sponsor. They hire the production companies to script, film, and plan the shows. These production companies have told them that getting On Your Own footage on accessible lands is not a viable option, is not profitable, and is not a sustainable theme. The DVD world is not too different from that.

What a surprise to these show sponsors when someone told them it could be done, and delivered the footage to prove it.

So, here is where I may need help. If you are tired of what is on the tube and DVD programs these days, hopefully you will help.

The big sponsors are asking if we are able to post some clips where the clips are open to public viewing and feedback. Therefore allowing us to track hits and review comments.

If you would be willing to do that, it would be the proof we could use to counter the arguments they are hearing from their current production contractors. If you like the idea of more On Your Own hunting, and would be willing to do this, and email your buddies who have similar interests to do the same, I would owe you all. If we accept their request, we want to make sure we get lots of positive comments. If not, they may be correct and I may be wrong.

When that time comes, I will post a separate clip on a new thread and provide the link to the site where it is being hosted.

In the mean time, here is one of the other clips that the sponsor folks got on their sample DVD. Unfortunately, to get it on photobucket, I had to edit it down to five minutes. Therefore you don't get to see all the elk on days 2-4 and the conservation story about how Coconino National Forest was one of the "Midnight Forests" signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt. And, some of the audio is not what the full clip quality is.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the clips, and let me know if you would be a willing participant in my experiment. Also, any comments to improve are greatly appreciated. :)

Happy Hunting!

Randy, you ever think of a title commensurate with the commercial trend of hunting...such as "Own your Own Adventures";) ...J/K...great video I'll be happy to hit your other site with postives.
Good stuff!!!!!!!

I like how you missed him twice on purpose.................just for the drama:D

I was about to grab the screen when it looked like he was gonna get away.

I REALLY appreciate the kind of hunting show that is NOT trying to get me to buy Scentlock, cough suppressor, Honda, etc.
so how far was that shot? Nice bull, i take it that it was the one he passed the first day?
I loved the saying in the end about running out of health before money. I feel the same way but right now it is i run out of vacation time before money...
so how far was that shot? Nice bull, i take it that it was the one he passed the first day?

I think that is Mr Fin himself behind the rifle, right? Nice bull!

I can't believe that anybody thinks well-shot video of DIY hunting isn't marketable. I'd watch/buy that any day of the week over most of the over-produced crap on the market.

The shot was 415 yards. One of those el cheapo out of the box Reminton 700s (CDL) that I seem attracted to. A .300 Win Mag with 180 grain Hornady Interlocks.

No, it was not as big as the one passed on the first day. The first day bull was estimated to be slightly north of 350. We were after one waaaaaay bigger than the first day bull. Just never got the deal put together. The one shot in the clip was actually spotted on day two, but passed on that day.

I was hoping that one of AZ402's pals would have hung a tag on the big bull we were chasing, so I could have actually known his size.


Yup, that is my ugly mug.
Another nice video. Keep us posted on the other link once you get it up. I'll put in a good word and spread it around the www. via emails to friends.
About the only show I watch is the TRCP "Life in the Open". I believe its mostly all filmed on public land, or private land open to the public.

I love your idea, keep us posted on the link.

There's another show called "The Huntly Way" I think it is... they go about it DIY sometimes, but my dog knows more about hunting than they do, so its usually a pretty lame show.

Just a question... what does it take to use footage from public land? Is it a big deal to get permission from the BLM or FS?
Awesome Dude! That is the way it is done, on your own and from start to finish...although a Helicopter to lift it back to the truck would be cool footage. John:D
Awesome Randy, that's some of my favorite elk country you were in. I think that the video is great. I love the On Your Own idea.
Yea just keep it real. I would rather see a guy never take an animal over some of the junk I have seen lately. Just keep it real !!!
I've seen them so many times I know all the big Johnson commercials by heart now.|oo
That is a great video. I'm with everyone about your title and vid ideas. Everything I have seen is great.
Fin- Great footage! I LOVE the idea and find it much more fun to watch some 'Average Joes' doing it like most of us do instead of the overly sponsored crap. Heck I'd even be for watching a week of hunting and no tag filling or even taking a small one towards the end of the hunt.

Is it a big deal to get permission from the BLM or FS?
It's not that big of a deal for BLM. It takes a few $ and some time for them to process the permit. The headache is that you have to get a permit from each individual office...
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