AZ Archery lope (long story w/pic)


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002

My AZ archery Pronghorn hunt started this past Friday. After a few weeks of scouting I had located a few bucks I wanted to take a try at.

Opening morning I hiked into the area I had last seen one of the two big bucks I’d seen over the last few weeks. That particular goat and his does were nowhere to be found that morning. I glassed up a few running around in a meadow about a mile away. By the time I got over to the area I had seen them. They had already made it into the trees. I decided to make a big loop and work my way back to my vehicle. As soon as I made it to the next clearing, I glassed up a nice buck and his does bedded. Sitting on the rocks, I tried to come up with a game plan to get close enough for a shot.

As I started to make my way through the trees the buck spotted my movement. Instead of running away he ran right at me not knowing what I was. I knelt down beside a juniper and waited for him to get close. After he couldn’t find what he was looking for he hung up out in the open for quite a while. I ranged him and he was just at the end of my comfort zone for a shot. Very sure he wasn’t getting any closer I drew, lined him up and released the arrow. It looked pretty true but fell about 5yrds short of it’s intended target. I watched my arrow rocket out into the unknown and the buck hit top speed in about one second.

A little irritated I continued my loop back to my starting point. I ran into a few dink bucks but had little interest in pursuing them knowing what was out there.

That afternoon Dave H. (Redline410 from this board) showed to give me a little help. We went back out to the area I had been in that morning but had a tough go finding anything worthwhile (except a dinky little mule deer shed, Dave you need to post a pic of that shed!)

Second morning found me and Dave back in the same area. Right from the get-go there was a decent buck moving right in front of us. The buck was making a B-line right for a group of three small bucks. As he was doing that I was trying to work my way through the junipers for a shot. Just as I was closing the distance, he caught me and high tailed it out of sight. Once again the depressing walk back. Dave and I headed out of that area a little early to head to the area of big buck # two.

Big buck number two was spotted immediately in a very tough archery spot. We made a stalk with this decoy that was maybe not the best one for stalking a long way out in the vast open area. We got fairly close but not close enough for a shot. Knowing that this was a pretty special buck we concentrated the majority of the weekend on him. That evening produced another tough and unsuccessful stalk.

Sunday morning we came up with another plan. Took out a different decoy and I made my way out into the flat by myself. As soon as I got close to the buck and put the decoy up he made a run right for me. Unfortunately he wouldn’t come any closer than 85 yards and was just below a little crown offering no shot. I made one last stalk on him that morning, crawling on my belly trying to get closer. During the belly crawl I felt a pain in my shin that could only be one thing. About a 1/2lb of cacti lodged into my flesh. As I flailed around on the ground like bacon in hot grease the buck and his does fed of into an unstalkable flat. A little dejected I once again made the looong walk back to the Rhino. I’ll be back out for four days next weekend hopefully with a shorter story. (redline410 may have a little to add to the story, thanks for coming up Dave).

The weekend wasn’t a total loss. My buddy Jeff who I was camping with shot this nice buck Saturday evening.
Whoa, how tall is that fellow? 16?

Good luck next weekend, Stan. It doesn't sound like spot and stalk archery antelope are easy.
Yeah, he is 16", would have been high 70's but busted a paddle off at the main beam. Still will go in the mid 70's as is.
Although unsuccesssful it was a great time. Putting an arrow in a prairie goat trying to spot and stalk is about as difficult as it gets. Mix in a coyote or two pestering just about every herd and you have yourself a little test of skill for sure:BLEEP:. Here is the Dink Muley shed we stumbled on. Not the greatest pictures, the only "as they lay" are on the floor of the living room since i didn't feel the need to crack out the camera in the middle of AZ402's hunt........


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Oooff!! Triple forks, and the only thing that shed doesn't have is a G1. I'd beat myself half way to death for a chance to hunt that particular muley. Nice find, Redline410. Thanks for the story, AZ402. After all, isn't the act of trying but not always succeeding is what hunting is all about? Sounds to me like it was a good hunt. Dave
Well it sounds like you had some fun, got to launch an arrow anyway.
Look at the bright side, that pain in your shin could have been elsewhere :eek:
My advice, practice all week by killing bugs, then try again next weekend.

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