Ask Randy


Staff member
Jun 8, 2009
Portland, OR
"Ask Randy" is a short video series that we will start posting online early next year. The premise is that you will get to ask questions and have them answered in a video clip by Randy Newberg himself.

Over the years, many people sent us questions that were never really answered. This is our opportunity to finally get around to those. In addition, we are asking you to submit your questions.

All you have to do is send an email to [email protected]. Make sure to include your question and Hunt Talk username. It is easier to keep track of questions when they are sent to a single email as opposed to being strewn across the forum.

This is a great chance for you to learn more about how the show got started, what happens behind the scenes, conservation history of various states, or pretty much anything else you want to know related to western hunting or the TV show. We look forward to hearing from you!
Ask Randy is Live!

Good news, everyone! The very first Ask Randy clip is on our newly-created youtube page. There were some technical difficulties on my end that delayed the introduction, but I have a backlog of footage that I will have online before too long.

This first video is about some of the basics of applying for nonresident tags out west. (Link here.)

If you would like to submit you own question, send an email to [email protected]

Here is that link again ( Enjoy!
And the Ask Randy about Wyoming big game draws is now on youtube.

It isn't perfect but I wanted to make sure this was posted as soon as possible since it contains information relevant to Wyoming's February 2nd Elk deadline.

You can watch it here:
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I like the concept and believe your time invested will be very helpful for those viewers tuning in to watch. Thanks.
I learned more from Randy's explanation of Wyoming's system in a few minutes, than hours of trying to figure it out on my own !! Thankyou
Lovin' this, I feel I had a pretty decent grasp of WY, but it was great to hear it all layed out. I especially like hearing about the pools/passes of the draw and the odds associated with those.
That is a must watch video for anyone just starting out applying in the western states for sure. Very well done.
Yep, I had a pretty good idea of the situation but video helped to lock it in. Nice Job and Thank you
Good job...the relaxed delivery makes all the difference Fin. It's tough to absorb info when you're feeling empathy for a speaker's discomfort.
Thanks to everyone who has checked these out! I've had fun watching the real time analytics the past couple days.
keith e

very good explanation of wyoming randy! thank you. anxious to here info on other states ,especially new mexico.
Yup. Strange, isn't it. A low tech redneck struggling plodding along in a high tech world.

I'm right there with you. Not sure what I will do when my youngest boy leaves the nest in a few years. The kids handle all my tech needs around the house.
I watched both these last night...and Wow, Randy you did a great job of explaining Wyoming in that second video. Also explaining the difference between bonus and preference I was digging through on another state trying to figure this out.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your videos on the other states, this is seriously one of the coolest things you've done. Thanks!
These videos are great! I did note one little error on Wyoming in this newest one though. Just past the 4 minute mark Randy mentions a second draw the middle of July. That is a thing of the past and for the last few years Wyoming only holds one draw with the results usually posted online before the end of June. Any tags left then go on sale first come first served in July with the full price tags around 7/10 and the reduced price tags around 7/17. The dates for the leftover tags are always shown in the application booklet that is available on line on the G&F website.
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