NEW SITKA Ambient 75

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Didn't sign up for E-tag so I guess it's too late now. I have tag #10 so maybe that means I got my first choice? My hunt begins on 9/29 & is either a rifle or muzzy tag so s/b super fun during the rut.
THat is a great hunt. Lots of elk in 10 after the rut.
Wish my daughter had E-tagging. She is 16 with an ARIZONA tag in her pocket now, just don't know which one. She is super excited. Not sure which late rifle she got. 1/2B/2C or 8. She got tag #29 but now sure how to read into that as not sure it helps to figure which choice she got. Gonna be a LONG weekend. Lol. Congrats to all who drew. To those that didn't lots of chances left.
When looking at the application in the portal it says “tag #55” on elk which I drew and on antelope which I didn’t draw it states “no tag”

I am thinking tag 55 means I selected 55th therefore receiving the 55th tag… I could be wrong..

I was in for choice 1 with 10 non resident tags and choice 2 with 25 nonresident tags. I am thinking I got my second choice.
Could be either. But yes you were the 55th person to get a tag in what ever hunt you got.
Geez Greenhorn, I've lived here for 34 years and never heard of anyone with 26 points for elk. Now I just had 28 points for Antelope and got drawn (or at least got charged) so far.
Going into this draw. For residents. One person had 29. Three had 28 and 6 had 27. And so on. Easily found on the website
I don’t know if anyone would know this, but when the my conduct the draw are all the residents and non residents lumped together in the number assigning process?

It seems like they would do it just in one process.

Tags would only get assigned to a non resident if they were still available for the unit within the given allocation % for non residents.

If it was not available would just move to the next resident or non resident.
Yes they are mixed cause it's up too 10% if they were dedicated tags then it wouldn't have to be mixed.
Could be either. But yes you were the 55th person to get a tag in what ever hunt you got.
So the tag number is specific to the hunt you applied for, not the random position you were assigned for them to look at your 1st and 2nd choice tag selections?
Got an archery bull tag for 5BS after 8 years. My hunting buddy just found out he has a heart condition and can't go to altitude so he will turn his tag in. At 73 I can still pull the bow so I will be hunting alone this year. I am sure it will be my last elk hunt. I have hunted the unit for 35 years. My wife died last year from cancer so I will be spending as long as it takes this time. I will enjoy every minute of the hunt.
Define altitude 5bs is right around 7k feet which is not normally defined as altitude.
Non-residents and residents are all in the mix together. During the first round once non-residents have 5% of the total, no more can draw. If all the 20% of tags on the first round are gone before non-residents have 5%, then non-residents won’t get 5% of the first round. Same thing happens in the second round.

Except they can issue all 10% in the 1-2 pass
It's the issue position for the tag.
How does that work when a person's tag number is higher than the amount of tags available.

Earlier a guy said he had tag #55 and had applied for hunts with 10 and 25 tags.
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