Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Arizona Coues


Aug 24, 2009
I spent the past four and half days hunting in Southern Arizona for Coues deer. Hunted some beautiful country and ended up taking a respectable buck. We covered a lot of ground trying to find the bachelor herds and was finally fortunate on the last full day of the hunt to locate a group of bucks. One of the bucks was really nice and was the one I wanted. I tried to go high and come down from above, but unfortunately I made just a little too much noise(nearly impossible not to in that country) and busted another couple of bucks that I had not seen at the bottom of the canyon. Those bucks ended up running into the same bowl as the buck I was stalking and they all disappeared over the mountain. Dejected I made my way back to my binos and was able to glass up a couple of smaller bucks in the same bowl. Not really what I was looking for, but since it was the last day I decided to go ahead and try and get closer and give them a closer look. Turned around to get a few things ready and then took one last look through the binos and could not locate the bucks. This was about 1:00 in the afternoon and bucks were on a south facing slope that offered very little shade. I think that they went over the top of the mountain to be on the north face and out of sun. I watched that bowl for the rest of the day with no more deer spotted. I had one more morning to hunt, I would be here first thing in the morning. The next morning I was in position and glassing the mountain side. Just after the sun started to hit the mountain I spotted a couple of bucks working up to the same bowl. One of them looked good enough, but unfortunately not the big one. I took off after them...this time taking the route through the bottom of the canyon. Got into position and was able to take this buck. It was a very difficult and challenging hunt, but I had a blast and I am very happy that I was able to take this buck. I apologize for the shadows, it was a very bright day and I could not get the force flash option to work...but I am smiling. :D



That coues would def. put a smile on my face.I may try chasing them myself next season.A deer slam is now in my mind set/plans.going to be hard to pass up an elk season but theres new adventures and territory I need to check out
Congrats on a beautiful buck
Fantastic photos, magic country and certainly a good buck to hammer on the last morning you could hunt..he looks like he will make a lovely mount if you are getting him done..
I like the angles you used on those pics, that's a great buck.

I was so preoccupied setting up the tripod and self timer on my camera that I forgot to smile in my grip and grin pic this year.

Cool stuff.
Great Coues buck...congratulations!

Rifle or bow kill?
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Great buck. For those that never hunted them they don't know what fun (and frustration) they are missing. One of the funnest hunts in all the world. And in mostly beautifull country. Congrats and thanks for sharing.....BOB
Thanks for the kind comments!
In answer to the questions, yes this was a rifle hunt. I hope to take one with a bow one day, I absolutely love archery hunting coues in January. Has to be one of the toughest hunts out there.
I am getting the deer mounted, I don't know if I have ever worked so hard for an animal and this deer really means a lot to me. I really think he will make an awesome mount.
I had to take the pics myself. Very tricky when you are on the side of a mountain. Camera would fall over, deer would fall over, I would fall over etc...probably pretty funny if someone had been watching across the canyon.
BOB is correct, they are a very fun animal to hunt that gets under your skin and draws you back year after year.
I don't really care what he scores and I have not put a tape to him, but I guess he is a high 80s buck just shy of 90".
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