Yeti GOBOX Collection

Argentina Doves 2016

Readressing this issue!

Wiping out the bison herds in the 1800's.

Passengers pigeon in the 1800's.

Was this hunting? This was removing a species.

This is not Hunting,

Shooting 7000 birds by one group of hunters is KILLING. It is not hunting.

I would love to experience the opportunity. But be a hunter and not a killer. Be honest, do you really believe this is ethical?

I am not ashamed of my opinion. One ass----- asked if I would cry for Cecil the lion. Only if the hunter had wiped out the entire pride..

Not ashamed of my opinion!

Be a hunter and not a killer!!!!

You could shoot 70,000 down there and not make a dent in the population. Get off your high horse and try to gather a few facts.

I have seen some of these hunts go super cheap at banquets. Never thought much of it. May have to pay more attention next time. Sounds like a good time!
Readressing this issue!

Wiping out the bison herds in the 1800's.

Passengers pigeon in the 1800's.

Was this hunting? This was removing a species.

This is not Hunting,

Shooting 7000 birds by one group of hunters is KILLING. It is not hunting.

I would love to experience the opportunity. But be a hunter and not a killer. Be honest, do you really believe this is ethical?

I am not ashamed of my opinion. One ass----- asked if I would cry for Cecil the lion. Only if the hunter had wiped out the entire pride..

Not ashamed of my opinion!

Be a hunter and not a killer!!!!

You need to get a grip. If you stood in a field doing the exact same thing and shot 15 here, it would be the same. Everything is relative. If the birds were not that thick, they would not shoot that many. The Argentines manage their game, too, as they are making money on it..
Interestingly this lodge goes through ~4,000,000 rounds of ammunition annually and the population is just as robust as ever. Maybe more that our 2013 trip.
FYI Bobbydean any video or first hand account cannot aptly describe the situation. You have to witness it to fully appreciate it. I suggest you hop s flight and spend some time in these areas before you go popping off about the ethics of fellow hunters. And please take a camera.
Wally dog,

I am not questioning your ethics. I would love that hunt. The total number of kills is what I object to. Shoot a 200. Not objection. More than I would have. I would shoot 30 and go for the food.

My historical examples are real. No one would think the miles of buffalo would disappear.

My ethics are mine! You do what you want.

I disagree!!!!
But be a hunter and not a killer. Be honest, do you really believe this is ethical?

Be a hunter and not a killer!!!!

Wally dog,

I am not questioning your ethics.

My ethics are mine! You do what you want.

I disagree!!!!

ummm, ok..... :confused:

You know what opinions are like, everyone has one...especially on internet. let it go.
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