PEAX Equipment

Are we dead yet?


New member
Jul 25, 2002
Gilbert, AZ
Hello? Hello? What? No one has been fishing in 2 days? Where's the stories? Come on people, I need my fix! :D :D

I go to the fishing section an NO NEW POSTS?!! :D :D

Maybe I'll let the kids skip homework tonight and go out for a bit....shoot (oh wait, that's the hunting section), got to get a story for here! :D :D

Del? Have you recovered from catching all those fish? Come on, make the sacrifice...get out and get some more.

Westy? Fishing lately?

AJ? Bluefins? what? still prepping?
Yeah were the heck is everyone? I know they are not out fishing..

I am still beat was going to go this am but I am pretty tired....... Plus I have some jobs to finish up...
LOL AJ thats funny.. You have more tolorance then I do... When I get crap I call it just that Crap, No if ands or Buts about it... Problem is people dont under stnad that sometimes you take something apart and you can not put it back to gether and get it to work.. mainly cause everything as a whole is out of alignment, and when you replace one part the others parts are bent or worn and wont except that good part.....

Been there done that.... If it cost money to fix they get charged, if I cant put it back together and have it working I will give it to them back in piece's.... Most understand but yet some dont....
good policy is "fix it right or dont fix it at all"

It's a good thing they have us around to keep their site up and going..Other wise it would be just like their fishing lives..Dead and boring....
Okay, FINALLY made it back over here to hunttalk for a few minutes! Life. It gets in the way of all the fun! :D

AJ, sounds like ya got your hands full! Ya mean the customer isn't always right? :D Isn't it funny how customers get this impression that you're a magician? We deal with it in the construction business too.

Delw, we all know about Del-Mart! :D So your going to go Monday and build up your inventory? :rolleyes: :eek: :D

Ah yes. The Elkboys. they just keep going, and going and .......
oh yeah Del-Mart will be doing a full boat inspection on monday before the tourny ... and after the tourny we will be doing another one jsut to see if we forgot anything
Get a partner that has big boobs and a skinny body. That way they won't know they are missing any thing until the next time they go fishing and will just shrug it off as things lost, or misplaced!!! :D :D :D