Caribou Gear Tarp

Anyone watch the Alito hearnings


Dec 29, 2002
Anyone watch any of the Alito opening statements last night?

Kennedy and Fienstien are a piece of work. Never heard so much santimonious crap. Fienstien made it clear she wanted a judge on the Supreme Court who would ban all guns everywhere.

I guess the fun began today as Alito called them on thier lies.
Kennedy should still be in prison playing punk boy for Bubba.

I love Dean, Kennedy, Feinstein and Pelosi! They are the best insurance that Democrats will not gain in future elections. As long as these idiots have a chokehold on the party it will not appeal to mainstream Americans.
Good drama with the Mrs. crying.. Specter tried to sweep this one under the rug and got caught by Kennedy. Mistake by Specter, score by Kennedy, and the wife is in tears.

staffer said Bomgardner was apparently upset at an earlier line of questioning over her husband's prior membership in Concerned Alumni of Princeton.

Alito, who listed membership in the group on a 1985 job application, said he did not recall joining and strongly denounced the group's purported support for admission restrictions on women and minorities.

While the nominee remained calm, an angry exchange occurred between the Republican chairman, Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter, and Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat.

Kennedy criticized Alito's membership in the Princeton alumni group and wanted the committee to subpoena its records, which are housed in the Library of Congress. He demanded Specter immediately rule on the matter. (Watch as nomination hearing gets heated -- 3:31)

Specter said it was the first time he had heard about Kennedy's request. The two lawmakers then exchanged heated words over whether that was true.

Later, Specter said he had discussed the issue with staff during a break and was reminded that he had dismissed it as "unmeritorious."

However, he said that Kennedy's staffers "are en route or at the Library of Congress to look at these records."

Outside the hearing room, Kennedy cast doubt on Alito's testimony.

"It's extraordinary to me that this nominee can remember all 67 of his dissents in great detail ... and he still is mystified about his association with a CAP organization that he used as a job reference," he said.
You didn't watch the same footage I did.

Kennedy looked like a popous A**, got out of line, asked the same rediculous questions 4 times so Specter handed his A** to him and told him t basically shut up. (pound gavel) Next Witness.

To the Airhead America crowd, Kennedy looked like a hero. Problem is, you can put that crowd in a small room and still have plenty of room for a cocktail bar and a stripper! Guess it's all relative to your personal view point as to how Kennedy came off. I'd say a majority of Democrats where embarised by his performance.
One of my favorite comments was from Miller Zell.

"If I were Kennedy, I wouldn't be delving too deeply into past actions early in ones career"
ringer said:
I love Dean, Kennedy, Feinstein and Pelosi! They are the best insurance that Democrats will not gain in future elections. As long as these idiots have a chokehold on the party it will not appeal to mainstream Americans.

Very true!

Zell Miller is a hoot,, tells the truth and gets blasted by his own party hump

Jose face it after the dumbass Dems got their asses kicked by Roberts, they just don`t get it ! They talk[ babble] for 25 min. then leave 5 min. for an answer,

If the Democrats ever learn what the meaning of having an "agenda" or what a "plan" is, then they might get somewhere. :confused:

I know they are trying to find out info... But they need to Dump Kennedy! he is a freaking black eye on the party.... :eek:
cjcj said:
Jose face it after the dumbass Dems got their asses kicked by Roberts, they just don`t get it ! \:


You are the dumbass....... These weren't new hearings on Roberts. He has been confirmed and is now seated.... These were Alito hearings, ya dumbass. :rolleyes:
JoseCuervo said:

You are the dumbass....... These weren't new hearings on Roberts. He has been confirmed and is now seated.... These were Alito hearings, ya dumbass. :rolleyes:

Jose,are you a Moron? ...what part of "AFTER" don`t you understand? :confused:

Try English language 101 [ comprehension] hump

This thread "IS" about the Alito hearing DUh! |oo
The Dems didn't have a problem with Roberts, many of them confirmed him, ya dumbass. Roberts agreed that Rov v. Wade was "well settled" and that got him through.

If you want to talk about somebody in DC getting their "ass kicked", why don't you look at the Dubya/Harriet Meiers asskicking. How come horse-face Harriet isn't getting confirmed???

You do remember Dubya nominating her don't you???
He could, but thats not the topic guner/sybil man toy...

Just as usual, get your butt kicked and you start changing the subject.

just admit defeat or don't post, and move on...

Start another thread to see if you can get any one to go over to it to post on...
So for those of you that follow this stuff, are any of the other “Supremes” anywhere near retiring?
Any chance W will get another Supreme Court nomination?
I think old Harriet was the good soldier and was a ploy to back the dumb dems into a corner where they would have a hard time fillibustering the real nominee without looking like a bunch of obstructionists. No conspiracy theorist Jose' just think that the administration is very cunning and Machiavellian and their opponents are idiots who can't find their ass with both hands. Regardless of what Roberts said on abortion he still will vote on the conservative side along with Alito. I would say the court balance has now changed.
The President showed Miers the door because she caused a near revolt in what he always counted as his base. There was no way he could get her through confirmation hearings and a vote. I am not certain the strategy was formed in the White House to make Miers a stealth Nominee with Alito the real nominee all along. Could be I don't know. I am curious why the President and his advisers would risk alienating their own side with that strategy.

Alito will get confirmed and he should. I can't stand Chuck Shumer at all and Biden makes me want to vomit.


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