Any birders in the forum?


Active member
May 18, 2016
I need help identifying a bird that I have only heard but never seen. It makes a two note call, after dark in my local area. I'm interested in finding a resource that might help me narrow this down and I don't want to join another forum to discuss titmouses and warblers etc.
The Cornell Bird Lab has recordings of just about every bird on the planet.

But it is hard to make a suggestion without knowing where you are and what the two notes sound like, what's their cadence, repetition, habitat, etc.
If you want to figure it out yourself, try the iBird app. The Standard version is free, Pro version is paid but you can search within a user-defined radius of a location by season, habitat, call pattern, visual markers, etc to find species that match whatever criteria you set.
Birding is big part of my job. Lots of things make a two-note call. Where are you? That will help narrow things down.
I am in Anaheim CA. My home is adjacent to a relatively large area of chaparral hills. I agree there are likely a lot of birds that make a two-note call, but perhaps narrowing it down to this area and the fact that it calls almost exclusively after dark helps narrow it down a bit.

Do you have any video/recordings of the sound? what location part of the country/world are you in?

No recordings. It usually sounds like its at least 100 yards away at night and on property that I can't trespass upon so getting a recording is tough.
If you want to figure it out yourself, try the iBird app. The Standard version is free, Pro version is paid but you can search within a user-defined radius of a location by season, habitat, call pattern, visual markers, etc to find species that match whatever criteria you set.
This sounds like it may work. I found some of the other sights mentioned but couldn't narrow it down close enough and don't have the time to listen to every bird that I am not familiar with. I'm sure that I can eliminate all game birds and raptors, but that still leaves a lot of birds.

Just a stab in the dark, but we'll use it as a baseline, how does the call compare to this Poorwill?
Holy Crap! That's a hell of a stab in the dark. That is it! At the end of the song there is a little extra "chickeny" sound, just like in the link that you provided. I have only heard that portion of it one time and it actually occurred early morning after sunup. It was the only time I felt as though this bird was relatively close. Must be a much lower pitch that doesn't carry as far. That is amazing, I am so stoked to have a name to put to the sound. Can't wait to learn more about it. No wonder I've never seen one. They are incredibly well camoflauged.

Thank you.
Hey guys and gal's Check out Cornell Macauley Library Archives
Digitalized from 1929 till present day.Really amazing. 😎
WalkingBird beat me to it. I had the same question in the same circumstances a couple years ago. When you said two notes after dark, poorwill was the first thing I thought of. I heard one again this weekend.
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