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Antlers cut off and taken...West Mtn., ID


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
Posting this for a friend of a friend...if you have any info please call Jason listed at the bottom.


My buddy Rob Swikert arrowed this bull Saturday morning on West Mountain just south of Tamarack. After spending the day cleaning/quartering they ran out of daylight. When they got back up there Sunday morning someone had cut the antlers off the head!!!

Obviously, Rob would very much like to get his trophy back. Pass this email along to any of your archery buddies and maybe some fool will get caught bragging about his bull that he didn't really kill (I wouldn't want to be him). If someone has the antlers and is planning on selling them Rob will pay more, especially if he gets to buy them directly from the guy that cut the antlers off.

Pass this along....


Jason Hawkins


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especially if he gets to buy them directly from the guy that cut the antlers off
Bet he'd be willing to pay that fellow REAL GOOD!

Sorry for your bud Hanger- that truely blows :BLEEP:
Sorry to here about that. The things some people will do. I hope your buddy gets his rack back that is a great bull.

I dread leaving my racks in the hills and this confirms why. I wonder how many people are going to start packing the head out first now?
I say if he finds the guy, your buddy gets to cut the guys balls off. Only a sackless piece of :BLEEP: would do that anyways. I hope he finds his antlers man.
That is a shame. I could understand if it was some other state, but it's hard to believe some Idaho boy would do such a :BLEEP: thing. I hope your buddy gets those back, and gets to kick that dumb :BLEEP::BLEEP: :BLEEP: :BLEEP:
carbonarcher said:
Dandy bull. Congrats to your buddy, sorry to hear about the lost rack. Hope he can get it back.
That is wrong, That is one sorry person that would do that.
Yeah that sucks....hope your buddy catches this guy. I could think of several things to do to him. If I caught a guy doin that to me I would probably end up in jail. Nice bull anyways!
I'm not sure what to say, except how sorry I am for your friend.

It seems today that if anyone even has the slightest opportunity to be a dirtbag they'll do it and not think twice.

I know a guy who had a rack stolen out of his garage and he found the thief and recovered his trophy. So, I know it's a long shot but you just never know?

I will save those photos on my computer and keep my eyes open at the contests later this winter. Also, I'll tell as many people as I can. Scum people are sometimes braggers and word can get out. Best of luck.
I'd castrate the prick.
You've got to be either really stupid or real cocky to steal from a man carrying a weapon...
Sorry to hear about this and I hope your buddy finds them.
I got this e-mail last week. I hope we can keep this e-mail moveing We will find him !! and when we do I hope he is ready for an old time :BLEEP: woopen!!
If I was him I would certainly be taking those two photos and visiting every taxidermist within a couple hundred miles. Run off plenty of copies, visit the taxidermist, and drop off photos and contact information. Chances are it would be a local hunter or person, and chances are the guy would certainly intend to mount an animal like that.
I know the feeling this guy is going through.

I lost my biggest mule deer rack in kind of a similar situation.

Mine was lifted from a taxidermy shop about a year ago. I was pissed at first. I thought about my options and it came down to about 3 ways to go.

1. I could try to recover monitary damages from the taxidermist in question...but the thing is, the antlers are worth nothing legally. Maybe a couple hundred bucks. Not worth litigation.

2. I could drag him out in his front yard and kick his ass in front of his wife and kids for being a careless idiot.

3. The only real option is just be happy with the memory and the photos.

I boiled it down to just having the opportunity to hunt and successfully take a big deer as the most important far...much more important than a mount on the wall. That should be enough for anyone and to me it is.
Must Read!

O K guys I just got a e-mail today from a fish and game buddy about this elk

here is his e-mail

Jindrich cited this guy(the guy who shot the elk) yesterday for hunt without a tag and archery permit , maybe unlawful possession. Messed up story....... his buddies took the rack while he Swickert was gone. One of the buddies who helped pack out the illegal elk was a last of "(I removed his name)" -officer with Boise city, Ada County or somewhere else. I've heard of him, you probably know him.

Is this gutting crazy or what ??? What a guy :BLEEP: :BLEEP: